Optimization seminar


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Spring Semester 2022

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
16 May 2022
Prof. Dr. Rasmus Kyng
Dep. of Computer Science, ETH Zurich

Optimization Seminar

Title Maximum Flow and Minimum-Cost Flow in Almost-Linear Time
Speaker, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Rasmus Kyng, Dep. of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
Date, Time 16 May 2022, 15:00-16:30
Location HG G 19.2
Abstract We give an algorithm that computes exact maximum flows and minimum-cost flows on directed graphs with m edges and polynomially bounded integral demands, costs, and capacities in m1+o(1) time. Our algorithm builds the flow through a sequence of m1+o(1) approximate undirected minimum-ratio cycles, each of which is computed and processed in amortized mo(1) time using a new dynamic graph data structure. Our framework extends to algorithms running in m1+o(1) time for computing flows that minimize general edge-separable convex functions to high accuracy. This gives almost-linear time algorithms for several problems including entropy-regularized optimal transport, matrix scaling, p-norm flows, and p-norm isotonic regression on arbitrary directed acyclic graphs.
Maximum Flow and Minimum-Cost Flow in Almost-Linear Timeread_more
HG G 19.2

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