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Agnostic Physics-Driven Deep Learning
by B. Scellier and S. Mishra and Y. Bengio and Y. Ollivier
(Report number 2022-26)
This work establishes that a physical system can perform statistical
learning without gradient computations, via an \emph{Agnostic Equilibrium
Propagation} (AEqprop) procedure that combines energy
minimization, homeostatic control, and nudging towards the correct
In AEqprop, the specifics of the system do not have to be known: the
procedure is based only on external manipulations, and produces a
stochastic gradient descent without explicit gradient computations.
Thanks to nudging, the system performs a true, order-one
gradient step for each training sample, in contrast with order-zero
methods like reinforcement or evolutionary strategies, which rely on
trial and error. This procedure considerably widens the range of
potential hardware for statistical learning to any system with enough
controllable parameters, even if the details of the system are poorly
known. AEqprop also establishes that in natural (bio)physical systems,
genuine gradient-based statistical learning may result from
generic, relatively simple mechanisms, without backpropagation and its requirement for analytic knowledge of partial derivatives.
Keywords: Deep Learning, Equilibrium Propagation, Gradient Computation
BibTeX@Techreport{SMBO22_1014, author = {B. Scellier and S. Mishra and Y. Bengio and Y. Ollivier}, title = {Agnostic Physics-Driven Deep Learning}, institution = {Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Z{\"u}rich}, number = {2022-26}, address = {Switzerland}, url = { }, year = {2022} }
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