> simulation by means of second-kind Galerkin boundary element method.>> Source: Elke Spindler "Second-Kind Single Trace Boundary Integral>> Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects", ETH Diss 23620, 2016."" > > simulation by means of second-kind Galerkin boundary element method.>> Source: Elke Spindler "Second-Kind Single Trace Boundary Integral>> Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects", ETH Diss 23620, 2016."" > Research reports – Seminar for Applied Mathematics | ETH Zurich

Research reports

Nr. PDF Authors and Title
2011-72 PDFfile_download P. Arbenz and A. Hiltebrand and D. Obrist
A parallel space-time finite difference solver for periodic solutions of the shallow-water equation
2011-71 PDFfile_download M. H. Gutknecht
Spectral deflation in Krylov solvers: A theory of coordinate space based methods
2011-70 PDFfile_download S. Mishra and Ch. Schwab and J. Sukys
Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume methods for shallow water equations with uncertain topography in multi-dimensions
2011-69 PDFfile_download Ch. Schwab and E. Süli
Adaptive Galerkin approximation algorithms for partial differential equations in infinite dimensions
Revised 1: July 2012
2011-68 PDFfile_download A. Barth and A. Lang
Multilevel Monte Carlo method with applications to stochastic partial differential equations
Revised 1: June 2012
2011-67 PDFfile_download C. Effenberger and D. Kressner
Chebyshev interpolation for nonlinear eigenvalue problems
2011-66 PDFfile_download R. Guberovic and Ch. Schwab and R. Stevenson
Space-time variational saddle point formulations of Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations
Revised 1: August 2013
2011-65 PDFfile_download J. Li and H. Liu and H. Sun
Enhanced approximate cloaking by SH and FSH lining
2011-64 PDFfile_download M. Hansen and Ch. Schwab
Sparse adaptive approximation of high dimensional parametric initial value problems
Revised 1: May 2012
2011-63 PDFfile_download R. Hiptmair and G. Phillips and G. Sinha
Multiple point evaluation on combined tensor product supports
2011-62 PDFfile_download J. Li and M. Li and S. Mao
Convergence analysis of an adaptive finite element method for distributed flux reconstruction
2011-61 PDFfile_download J. Li and M. Li and S. Mao
A priori error estimates of a finite element method for distributed flux reconstruction
2011-60 PDFfile_download H. Heumann and R. Hiptmair
Refined convergence theory for semi-Lagrangian schemes for pure advection
2011-59 PDFfile_download V. H. Hoang and Ch. Schwab
N-term Wiener Chaos Approximation Rates for elliptic PDEs with lognormal Gaussian random inputs
Revised 1: July 5, 2013
2011-58 PDFfile_download X. Claeys and R. Hiptmair
Electromagnetic scattering at composite objects: A novel multi-trace boundary integral formulation
Revised 1: November 2011
2011-57 PDFfile_download S. Mishra and L. V. Spinolo
Accurate numerical schemes for approximating intitial-boundary value problems for systems of conservation law
2011-56 PDFfile_download P. Grohs
Finite elements of arbitrary order and quasiinterpolation for data in Riemannian manifolds
2011-55 PDFfile_download P. Grohs
Bandlimited shearlet-type frames with nice duals
2011-54 PDFfile_download A. Kunoth and Ch. Schwab
Analytic regularity and GPC approximation for control problems constrained by linear parametric elliptic and parabolic PDEs
2011-53 PDFfile_download Ch. Schwab and S. A. Tokareva
High order approximation of probabilistic shock profiles in hyperbolic conservation laws with uncertain initial data
2011-52 PDFfile_download F.Y. Kuo and Ch. Schwab and I. H. Sloan
Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic partial differential equations with random coefficients
2011-51 PDFfile_download A. Chernov and Ch. Schwab
First order k-th moment finite element analysis of nonlinear operator equations with stochastic data
2011-50 PDFfile_download E. Fonn
Shearlet Galerkin for transport equations: implementation and stability
2011-49 PDFfile_download M. J. Castro and U. S. Fjordholm and S. Mishra and C. Parés
Entropy conservative and entropy stable schemes for non-conservative hyperbolic systems
2011-48 PDFfile_download D. Kressner and Ch. Tobler
Preconditioned low-rank methods for high-dimensional elliptic PDE eigenvalue problems
2011-47 PDFfile_download H. Heumann and R. Hiptmair
Convergence of lowest order semi-Lagrangian schemes
2011-46 PDFfile_download K. Grella and Ch. Schwab
Sparse discrete ordinates method in radiative transfer
2011-45 PDFfile_download X. Claeys and R. Hiptmair
Boundary integral formulation of the first kind for acoustic scattering by composite structures
2011-44 PDFfile_download A. Chkifa and A. Cohen and R. DeVore and Ch. Schwab
Sparse adaptive Taylor approximation algorithms for parametric and stochastic elliptic PDEs
2011-43 PDFfile_download S. Chen and S. Mao
Anisotropic error bounds of Lagrange interpolation with any order in two and three dimensions
2011-42 PDFfile_download R. Hiptmair and J. Li
Shape derivatives in differential forms I: An intrinsic perspective
2011-41 PDFfile_download P. Grohs and Ch. Schwab
Sparse twisted tensor frame discretization of parametric transport operators
2011-40 PDFfile_download J. Li and H. Liu and H. Sun and J. Zou
Imaging acoustic obstacles by hypersingular point sources
2011-39 PDFfile_download U. S. Fjordholm and S. Mishra and E. Tadmor
Arbitrarily high order accurate entropy stable essentially non-oscillatory schemes for systems of conservation laws
2011-38 PDFfile_download U. S. Fjordholm and S. Mishra and E. Tadmor
ENO reconstruction and ENO interpolation are stable
2011-37 PDFfile_download C. J. Gittelson
Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic partial differential equations with random operators
2011-36 PDFfile_download A. Barth and A. Lang
Milstein approximation for advection-diffusion equations driven by multiplicative noncontinuous martingale noises
Revised 1: August 2012
2011-35 PDFfile_download A. Lang
Almost sure convergence of a Galerkin approximation for SPDEs of Zakai type driven by square integrable martingales
2011-34 PDFfile_download F. Müller and D. W. Meyer and P. Jenny
Probabilistic collocation and Lagrangian sampling for tracer transport in randomly heterogeneous porous media
2011-33 PDFfile_download R. Bourquin and V. Gradinaru and G. A. Hagedorn
Non-adiabatic transitions near avoided crossings: theory and numerics
2011-32 PDFfile_download J. Sukys and S. Mishra and Ch. Schwab
Static load balancing for multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume solvers
2011-31 PDFfile_download C. J. Gittelson and J. Könnö and Ch. Schwab and R. Stenberg
The multi-level Monte Carlo Finite Element Method for a stochastic Brinkman problem
2011-30 PDFfile_download A. Barth and A. Lang and Ch. Schwab
Multi-level Monte Carlo Finite Element method for parabolic stochastic partial differential equations
Revised 1: August 2012
2011-29 PDFfile_download M. Hansen and Ch. Schwab
Analytic regularity and nonlinear approximation of a class of parametric semilinear elliptic PDEs
2011-28 PDFfile_download R. Hiptmair and S.-P. Mao
Stable multilevel splittings of boundary edge element spaces
2011-27 PDFfile_download P. Grohs
Shearlets and microlocal analysis
2011-26 PDFfile_download H. Kumar
Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for the two-fluid MHD equations
2011-25 PDFfile_download H. Papasaika and E. Kokiopoulou and E. Baltsavias and K. Schindler and D. Kressner
Sparsity-seeking fusion of digital elevation models
2011-24 PDFfile_download H. Harbrecht and J. Li
A fast deterministic method for stochastic elliptic interface problems based on low-rank approximation
2011-23 PDFfile_download P. Corti and S. Mishra
Stable finite difference schemes for the magnetic induction equation with Hall effect
2011-22 PDFfile_download H. Kumar and S. Mishra
Entropy stable numerical schemes for two-fluid MHD equations
2011-21 PDFfile_download H. Heumann and R. Hiptmair and K. Li and J.-C. Xu
Semi-lagrangian methods for advection of differential forms
2011-20 PDFfile_download A. Moiola
Plane wave approximation in linear elasticity
2011-19 PDFfile_download C. J. Gittelson
Uniformly convergent adaptive methods for parametric operator equations
2011-18 PDFfile_download E. Kokiopoulou and D. Kressner and M. Zervos and N. Paragios
Optimal similarity registration of volumetric images
2011-17 PDFfile_download D. Marazzina and O. Reichmann and Ch. Schwab
hp-DGFEM for Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck equations of multivariate Lévy processes
2011-16 PDFfile_download Ch. Schwab and A. M. Stuart
Sparse deterministic approximation of Bayesian inverse problems
2011-15 PDFfile_download A. Barth and A. Lang
Lp and almost sure convergence of a Milstein scheme for stochastic partial differential equations
Revised 1: July 2012
2011-14 PDFfile_download X. Claeys
A single trace integral formulation of the second kind for acoustic scattering
2011-13 PDFfile_download W.-J. Beyn and C. Effenberger and D. Kressner
Continuation of eigenvalues and invariant pairs for parameterized nonlinear eigenvalue problems
2011-12 PDFfile_download C. J. Gittelson
Adaptive stochastic Galerkin methods: beyond the elliptic case
2011-11 PDFfile_download C. J. Gittelson
An adaptive stochastic Galerkin method
2011-10 PDFfile_download C. J. Gittelson
Stochastic Galerkin approximation of operator equations with infinite dimensional noise
2011-09 PDFfile_download R. Hiptmair and A. Moiola and I. Perugia
Error analysis of Trefftz-discontinuous Galerkin methods for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations
2011-08 PDFfile_download W. Dahmen and C. Huang and C. Schwab and G. Welper
Adaptive Petrov-Galerkin methods for first order transport equations
2011-07 PDFfile_download V. H. Hoang and Ch. Schwab
Analytic regularity and polynomial approximation of stochastic, parametric elliptic multiscale PDEs
Revised 1: July 2011
2011-06 PDFfile_download S. Mishra and G. M. Coclite and K. H. Karlsen and N. H. Risebro
Existence of solutions to a model of two-phase flow in porous media
2011-05 PDFfile_download U. S. Fjordholm and S. Mishra and E. Tadmor
Entropy stable ENO scheme
2011-04 PDFfile_download M. Ganesh and S. Hawkins and R. Hiptmair
Convergence analysis with parameter estimates for a reduced basis acoustic scattering t-matrix method
2011-03 PDFfile_download O. Reichmann
Optimal space-time adaptive wavelet methods for degenerate parabolic PDEs
2011-02 PDFfile_download S. Mishra and Ch. Schwab and J. Sukys
Multi-level Monte Carlo finite volume methods for nonlinear systems of conservation laws in multi-dimensions
2011-01 PDFfile_download V. Wheatley and R. Jeltsch and H. Kumar
Spectral performance of RKDG methods

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