> simulation by means of second-kind Galerkin boundary element method.>> Source: Elke Spindler "Second-Kind Single Trace Boundary Integral>> Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects", ETH Diss 23620, 2016."" > > simulation by means of second-kind Galerkin boundary element method.>> Source: Elke Spindler "Second-Kind Single Trace Boundary Integral>> Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects", ETH Diss 23620, 2016."" > Research reports – Seminar for Applied Mathematics | ETH Zurich

Research reports

Nr. PDF Authors and Title
1996-22 PDFfile_download A.-T. Morel and R. Bodenmann
Stability analysis for the method of transport
1996-21 PDFfile_download K. Gerdes
Solution of the 3D-Helmholtz equation in exterior domains of arbitrary shape using emhp/em-finite infinite elements
1996-20 PDFfile_download Ch. Schwab and M. Suri and X. Xenophontos
The hp finite element method for problems in mechanics with boundary layers
1996-19 PDFfile_download C. Lage
The Application of Object Oriented Methods to Boundary Element
1996-18 PDFfile_download R. Sperb
An alternative to Ewald sums. Part I: Identities for sums
1996-17 PDFfile_download M. D. Buhmann and Ch. A. Micchelli and A. Ron
Asymptotically Optimal Approximation and Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
1996-16 PDFfile_download M. D. Buhmann and R. Fletcher
M.J.D. Powell's work in univariate and multivariate approximation theory and his contribution to optimization
1996-15 PDFfile_download W. Gautschi and J. Waldvogel
Contour Plots of Analytic Functions
1996-14 PDFfile_download R. Resch and F. Stenger and J. Waldvogel
Functional Equations Related to the Iteration of Functions
1996-13 PDFfile_download H. Forrer
Second Order Accurate Boundary Treatment for Cartesian Grid Methods
1996-12 PDFfile_download K. Gerdes and Ch. Schwab
Hierarchic models of Helmholtz problems on thin domains
1996-11 PDFfile_download K. Gerdes
The conjugated vs. the unconjugated infinite element method for the Helmholtz equation in exterior domains
1996-10 PDFfile_download J. Waldvogel
Symplectic Integrators for Hill's Lunar Problem
1996-09 PDFfile_download A.-T. Morel and M. Fey and J. Maurer
Multidimensional High Order Method of Transport for the Shallow Water Equations
1996-08 PDFfile_download A.-T. Morel
Multidimensional Scheme for the Shallow Water Equations
1996-07 PDFfile_download M. Feistauer and Ch. Schwab
On coupled problems for viscous flow in exterior domains
1996-06 PDFfile_download J. M. Melenk
A note on robust exponential convergence of finite element methods for problems with boundary layers.
1996-05 PDFfile_download R. Bodenmann and H. J. Schroll
Higher order discretisation of initial-boundary value problems for mixed systems
1996-04 PDFfile_download H. Forrer
Boundary Treatment for a Cartesian Grid Method
1996-03 PDFfile_download S. Hyvönen
Convergence of the Arnoldi Process when applied to the Picard-Lindelöf Iteration Operator
1996-02 PDFfile_download S. A. Sauter and Ch. Schwab
Quadrature for hp-Galerkin BEM in R3
1996-01 PDFfile_download J. M. Melenk and I. Babuska
The Partition of Unity Finite Element Method: Basic Theory and Applications

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