> simulation by means of second-kind Galerkin boundary element method.>> Source: Elke Spindler "Second-Kind Single Trace Boundary Integral>> Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects", ETH Diss 23620, 2016."" > > simulation by means of second-kind Galerkin boundary element method.>> Source: Elke Spindler "Second-Kind Single Trace Boundary Integral>> Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects", ETH Diss 23620, 2016."" > Research reports – Seminar for Applied Mathematics | ETH Zurich

Research reports

Chebyshev interpolation for nonlinear eigenvalue problems

by C. Effenberger and D. Kressner

(Report number 2011-67)

This work is concerned with numerical methods for matrix eigenvalue problems that are nonlinear in the eigenvalue parameter. In particular, we focus on eigenvalue problems for which the evaluation of the matrix valued function is computationally expensive. Such problems arise, e.g., from boundary integral formulations of elliptic PDE-eigenvalue problems and typically exclude the use of established nonlinear eigenvalue solvers. Instead, we propose the use of polynomial approximation combined with non-monomial linearizations. Our approach is intended for situations where the eigenvalues of interest are located on the real line or, more generally, on a pre-specified curve in the complex plane. A first-order perturbation analysis for nonlinear eigenvalue problems is performed. Combined with an approximation result for Chebyshev interpolation, this shows exponential convergence of the obtained eigenvalue approximations with respect to the degree of the approximating polynomial. Preliminary numerical experiments demonstrate the viability of the approach in the context of boundary element methods.


  author = {C. Effenberger and D. Kressner},
  title = {Chebyshev interpolation for nonlinear eigenvalue problems},
  institution = {Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Z{\"u}rich},
  number = {2011-67},
  address = {Switzerland},
  url = {https://www.sam.math.ethz.ch/sam_reports/reports_final/reports2011/2011-67.pdf },
  year = {2011}

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