Research reports

Stable Phase Retrieval in Infinite Dimensions

by R. Alaifari and I. Daubechies and Ph. Grohs and R. Yin

(Report number 2019-66)

The problem of phase retrieval is to determine a signal \(f\in \mathcal{H}\), with \( \mathcal{H}\) a Hilbert space, from intensity measurements \(|F(\omega)|\), where \(F(\omega):=\langle f , \varphi_\omega\rangle\) are measurements of \(f\) with respect to a measurement system
\((\varphi_\omega)_{\omega\in \Omega}\subset \mathcal{H}\).
Although phase retrieval is always stable in the finite dimensional setting whenever it is possible (i.e. injectivity implies stability for the inverse problem), the situation is drastically different if \(\mathcal{H}\) is infinite-dimensional: in that case phase retrieval is never uniformly stable \cite{cahill2016phase,grohsstab}; moreover the stability deteriorates severely in the dimension of the problem \cite{cahill2016phase}.
On the other hand, all empirically observed instabilities are of a certain type: they occur whenever the function \(|F|\) of intensity measurements is concentrated on disjoint sets \(D_j\subset \Omega\), i.e., when \(F= \sum_{j=1}^k F_j\) where each \(F_j\) is concentrated on \(D_j\) (and \(k \geq 2\)).
Motivated by these considerations we propose a new paradigm for stable phase retrieval by considering the problem of reconstructing \(F\) up to a phase factor that is not global, but that can be different for each of the subsets \(D_j\), i.e., recovering \(F\) up to the equivalence
\(F \sim \sum_{j=1}^k e^{{\rm i} \alpha_j} F_j.\)
We present concrete applications (for example in audio processing) where this new notion of stability is natural and meaningful and show that in this setting stable phase retrieval can actually be achieved, for instance if the measurement system is a Gabor frame or a frame of Cauchy wavelets.


  author = {R. Alaifari and I. Daubechies and Ph. Grohs and R. Yin},
  title = {Stable Phase Retrieval in Infinite Dimensions},
  institution = {Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Z{\"u}rich},
  number = {2019-66},
  address = {Switzerland},
  url = { },
  year = {2019}

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