Zurich colloquium in mathematics


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Frühjahrssemester 2020

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
18. Februar 2020
Prof. Dr. Nicolai Reshetikhin
ETH-ITS and Berkeley

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Titel Limit shape phenomenon in statistical mechanics
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Nicolai Reshetikhin, ETH-ITS and Berkeley
Datum, Zeit 18. Februar 2020, 16:30-17:30
Ort KO2 F 150
Limit shape phenomenon in statistical mechanics
KO2 F 150
21. April 2020
Prof. Dr. Irene Gamba
University of Texas at Austin

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Titel Topics on Collisional Transport from Gas Dynamics to Mean Field Theory
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Irene Gamba , University of Texas at Austin
Datum, Zeit 21. April 2020, 16:30-17:30
Ort KO2 F 150
Topics on Collisional Transport from Gas Dynamics to Mean Field Theory (ABGESAGT)
KO2 F 150
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