Zurich colloquium in mathematics


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Herbstsemester 2022

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
20. September 2022
Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Serre
Collège de France

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Titel Cohomological invariants in topology and algebra
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Serre, Collège de France
Datum, Zeit 20. September 2022, 16:30-18:15
Ort KO2 F 150
Mehr Informationen https://math.ethz.ch/news-and-events/events/research-seminars/zurich-colloquium-in-mathematics.html?s=hs22
Cohomological invariants in topology and algebraread_more
KO2 F 150
1. November 2022
Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus
Universität Münster

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Titel Algebraic K-Theory and higher algebra
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Thomas Nikolaus, Universität Münster
Datum, Zeit 1. November 2022, 16:30-18:15
Ort KO2 F 150
Abstract This talk is about algebraic K-theory groups (defined by Quillen in the early 1970s). We will review the definition and motivation behind those groups and explain some applications. Then we try to summarise what is known in terms of computations and explain some recent breakthroughs (based on so-called trace methods). One of the central tools used to achieve this progress is`higher categorical algebra' in the sense of Waldhausen, Lurie and others. As an sample application we cover the recent results on the K-theory of Z/p^n obtained in joint work with Anteau and Krause.
Mehr Informationen https://math.ethz.ch/news-and-events/events/research-seminars/zurich-colloquium-in-mathematics.html?s=hs22
Algebraic K-Theory and higher algebraread_more
KO2 F 150
22. November 2022
Prof. Dr. Michael Bronstein
University of Oxford

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Titel Physics-inspired learning on graphs
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Michael Bronstein, University of Oxford
Datum, Zeit 22. November 2022, 16:30-18:15
Ort KO2 F 150
Abstract Abstract: The message-passing paradigm has been the “battle horse” of deep learning on graphs for several years, making graph neural networks a big success in a wide range of applications, from particle physics to protein design. From a theoretical viewpoint, it established the link to the Weisfeiler-Lehman hierarchy, allowing to analyse the expressive power of GNNs. We argue that the very “node-and-edge”-centric mindset of current graph deep learning schemes may hinder future progress in the field. As an alternative, we propose physics-inspired “continuous” learning models that open up a new trove of tools from the fields of differential geometry, algebraic topology, and differential equations so far largely unexplored in graph ML.
Mehr Informationen https://math.ethz.ch/news-and-events/events/research-seminars/zurich-colloquium-in-mathematics.html?s=hs22
Physics-inspired learning on graphsread_more
KO2 F 150
13. Dezember 2022
Prof. Dr. Julia Wolf
University of Cambridge

Zurich Colloquium in Mathematics

Titel When is a mathematical object well-behaved?
Referent:in, Affiliation Prof. Dr. Julia Wolf, University of Cambridge
Datum, Zeit 13. Dezember 2022, 15:15-17:00
Ort KOL G 217
Mehr Informationen https://math.ethz.ch/news-and-events/events/research-seminars/zurich-colloquium-in-mathematics.html?s=hs22
When is a mathematical object well-behaved?read_more
KOL G 217
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