Zurich graduate colloquium


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Spring Semester 2022

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
1 March 2022
Raphael Appenzeller

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... a Lambda-tree?
Speaker, Affiliation Raphael Appenzeller, ETHZ
Date, Time 1 March 2022, 16:30-18:00
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract Trees from graph theory can be understood as geometric objects which leads to the more general notions of R-trees and Lambda-trees. Trees have hyperbolic properties and we will see some parallels between the hyperbolic plane and a particular example of a Lambda-tree.
What is... a Lambda-tree?read_more
KO2 F 150
29 March 2022
Fernando Argentieri
Universität Zürich

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... a twist map?
Speaker, Affiliation Fernando Argentieri, Universität Zürich
Date, Time 29 March 2022, 16:30-17:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract Exact symplectic twist maps are a classical topic in dynamics. The interest of these types of maps comes from the the work of Poincaré on the restricted 3 body problem and from the study of the dynamic of generic symplectic diffeomorphisms on a surface near an elliptic point . We give an overview of the Aubry-Mather theory and some connection between the regularity of minimizing irrational invariant sets and hyperbolicity.
What is... a twist map?read_more
KO2 F 150
10 May 2022
Cynthia Bortolotto

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... sphere packing?
Speaker, Affiliation Cynthia Bortolotto, ETHZ
Date, Time 10 May 2022, 16:30-17:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract In this talk, we will define the sphere packing problem and discuss some its results. We will pay special attention to the solution of the problem in dimensions 8 and 24, given by Maryna Viazovska in 2016. In particular, we shall discuss in detail the construction of Viazovska's magical functions and its motivation.
What is... sphere packing?read_more
KO2 F 150
17 May 2022
Lorenzo Micalizzi
Universität Zürich

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is...structure preserving?
Speaker, Affiliation Lorenzo Micalizzi, Universität Zürich
Date, Time 17 May 2022, 16:30-17:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract The talk is a very friendly introduction to structure preserving for hyperbolic PDEs. Hyperbolic problems arise in the modeling of a huge number of phenomena in many different fields such as engineering, social sciences, physics, chemistry or biology. We will discuss how we can construct numerical methods to approximate the solutions to such systems of PDEs and the main difficulties that arise even in very simple cases, the central role of the underlying physics in this context and how we can construct good schemes that preserve some relevant physical properties.
What is...structure preserving?read_more
KO2 F 150
24 May 2022
Dr. Kadri Ilker Berktav
Universität Zürich

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... stacky gravity?
Speaker, Affiliation Dr. Kadri Ilker Berktav, Universität Zürich
Date, Time 24 May 2022, 16:30-17:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract This is a talk on a recent investigation about higher structures in the theory of General Relativity. The talk essentially features higher categorical constructions and their consequences in certain gravity theories. In this talk, for the sake of completeness, we shall begin with a summary of key ideas from moduli theory and derived algebraic geometry. We, indeed, overview the basics of derived algebraic geometry and its essential role in encoding the formal geometric aspects of moduli problems in physics. With this spirit, we will then examine higher spaces and structures in various scenarios and present some of our works in this research direction.
What is... stacky gravity?read_more
KO2 F 150

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