Zurich graduate colloquium


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Autumn Semester 2023

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
26 September 2023
Filippo Fila-Robattino
Universität Zürich

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... the Reduced Phase Space of (N=1,D=4) Supergravity?
Speaker, Affiliation Filippo Fila-Robattino, Universität Zürich
Date, Time 26 September 2023, 16:00-17:00
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract In field theory, from a local Lagrangian it is possible to derive the phase space of the system. Roughly speaking, it represents the space of Cauchy data of the theory. Such space is equipped with a closed 2-form, whose kernel is often given by Hamiltonian vector fields generating (gauge) symmetries. The reduced phase space (RPS) is obtained as a symplectic manifold via quotienting the original phase space. In this talk, after a brief introduction and an example of RPS in a simple case, I will present the derivation (using a construction due to Kijowski and Tulcjiew) of the RPS of N=1 supergravity in dimension 4. If time allows, the corresponding BFV description is then carried out.
What is... the Reduced Phase Space of (N=1,D=4) Supergravity?read_more
KO2 F 150
31 October 2023
Hjalti Isleifsson


Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... higher rank hyperbolicity?
Speaker, Affiliation Hjalti Isleifsson,
Date, Time 31 October 2023, 16:15-18:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract We will recall the now classical notion of Gromov hyperbolicity and then discuss results due to Wenger and Kleiner-Lang on how hyperbolic phenomena arise in dimensions greater than or equal to the rank of spaces which satisfy non-positive curvature conditions.
What is... higher rank hyperbolicity?read_more
KO2 F 150
7 November 2023
Tommaso Goldhirsch

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... an isoperimetric inequality?
Speaker, Affiliation Tommaso Goldhirsch, ETHZ
Date, Time 7 November 2023, 16:15-18:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract The isoperimetric problem is to find the figure in the plane having the greatest area among all those with the same perimeter. This problem and its apparently obvious solution, the circle, date back to at least Ancient Greece but for a rigorous proof we have to wait until the 19th century. We will overview the history of the isoperimetric inequality and sample some of its evolutions in recent times.''
What is... an isoperimetric inequality?read_more
KO2 F 150
21 November 2023
Silvia Sconza
Universität Zürich

Zurich Graduate Colloquium

Title What is... Isogeny-Based Cryptography?
Speaker, Affiliation Silvia Sconza, Universität Zürich
Date, Time 21 November 2023, 16:30-17:30
Location KO2 F 150
Abstract ''In cryptography, we are always looking for hard mathematical problems on which to build secure protocols for exchanging messages. Current cryptography is based on the difficulty of integer factorisation and the Discrete Logarithm Problem. Unfortunately, both of these problems can be solved on (sufficiently powerful) quantum computers in an acceptable time thanks to Shor's algorithm (1994). Hence the need to look for new problems that are also hard on quantum computers. A good proposal in this direction is the Isogeny Path Problem, which gave rise to Isogeny-Based Cryptography. We will take a friendly look at the problem and the cryptosystems based on it.
What is... Isogeny-Based Cryptography?read_more
KO2 F 150

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