Kolloquium über Mathematik, Informatik und Unterricht

Die Vorträge finden jeweils im Herbstsemester an vier Donnerstagen um 17.15 Uhr im Hörsaal HG G 19.1 (i.d.R.) des Hauptgebäudes der ETH Zürich statt. Abgeschlossen werden die Veranstaltungen mit einem Apéro im HG G 69 (D-MATH Common Room).

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Archiv 2013

Datum / Zeit Referent:in Titel Ort
21 November 2013
Prof. Dr. Ana Cannas da Silva
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Abstract We can have exactly 17 different wallpapers in terms of types of symmetry patterns and no more. This was established at the end of the 19th century by the Russian mathematician and mineralogist Yevgraf Fyodorov. Much more recently Murray Macbeath, Bill Thurston and John H. Conway discovered and publicised a new geometric perspective, together with a felicitous notation, which is more inviting and informative than the classical crystallographic perspective. The modern perspective relies on the notion of (2-dimensional) orbifold - a kind of surface with singular points - and a corresponding Euler characteristic. We will discuss how these surfaces can be seen as exotic stamps for printing patterns.
Wallpaper stamps
HG G 3
5 Dezember 2013
Gregor Dolinar
University of Ljubljana
Event Details
Abstract If we want to know how far we need to walk to the best coffee bar in town, or if the number that we are dictating is recognized by our mobile phone, or if the distribution of our daily weight is the normal one, then we can find the answers to these questions with a help of various kinds of distances. In our talk we will first recall the definition of the general concept of a distance, that is the concept of a metric space. Then examples of different distances, such as Manhattan distance, L2 distance, Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance, and there applications in voice and image recognition, statistics, etc. will be presented
How far is your daily weight from the normal one?
HG G 3
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