All stories that have been tagged with SfS

Cutting through boundaries

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS

Peter Bühlmann: 2024 Wald Memorial Award and Lecture

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  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

"Make contributions to better decision making"

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Felix Kuchelmeister

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Harald Besdziek

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Christoph Schultheiss

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Sara van de Geer 2024 Abel Prize lecturer

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

Yuansi Chen newly appointed professor

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  • SfS

Johanna Ziegel newly appointed professor

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Jonas Peters: inaugural lecture

  • D-MATH News
  • Inaugural and farewell lectures
  • SfS

From data to causal insight

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS

Sara van de Geer elected to European Academy of Sciences

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

Discover, solve puzzles, find role models

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS

Sara van de Geer: farewell lecture

  • D-MATH News
  • Inaugural and farewell lectures
  • SfS

Sara van de Geer: Bahadur Memorial Lectures

  • D-MATH News
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  • The latest honours and prizes

Jonas Peters: newly appointed professor

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Doctoral exam of Corinne Emmenegger

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Meta Lina Spohn

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Jeffrey Näf

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of An-​phi Nguyen

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Jinzhou Li

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Drago Plecko

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Peter Bühlmann: IMS President

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  • The latest honours and prizes

2022 Graduation Ceremony

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  • SAM
  • D-MATH News
  • Master

Doctoral exam of Yulia Kulagina

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Sara van de Geer elected to National Academy of Sciences

  • D-MATH News
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  • The latest honours and prizes

Peter Bühlmann elected to the Leopoldina

  • D-MATH News
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  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Nicolas Bennett

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Leonard Henckel

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Loris Michel

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  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Domagoj Ćevid

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
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Marloes Maathuis: Ethel Newbold Prize

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  • The latest honours and prizes

Sara van de Geer: Tukey Lecture

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  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Claude Renaux

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Marloes Maathuis: Elected ISI Member

  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Peter Hinz

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Two speakers and one award at the 8th European Congress of Mathematics

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  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Francesco Ortelli

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

2021 Graduation Ceremony

  • SfS
  • D-MATH News
  • SAM
  • Master

Doctoral exam of Solt Kovács

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Statistics postdoc tames decades-old geometry problem

  • D-MATH in the Media
  • SfS

Marloes Maathuis: Breiman Lecture

  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

2020 Graduation Ceremony

  • SfS
  • D-MATH News
  • SAM
  • Master

Sara van de Geer elected to Academia Europaea

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

Fadoua Balabdaoui: newly appointed adjunct professor

  • D-MATH News
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  • The latest honours and prizes

Sara van de Geer: Kálmán Lecture


Martin Mächler: newly appointed adjunct professor

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Marloes Maathuis: Van Dantzig Award

  • D-MATH News
  • SfS
  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Marco Eigenmann

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Jan Ernest: 2019 Golden Owl

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Doctoral exam of Niklas Pfister

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

ETH medals for three doctoral students

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  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Andreas Elsener

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Doctoral exam of Britta Velten

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

When data drop from the sky


Peter Bühlmann: Challis Lectures

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  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Christina Heinze-Deml

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
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Sara van de Geer: Markov Lecture

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  • The latest honours and prizes

Doctoral exam of Shu Li

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Peter Bühlmann: Guy Medal in Silver

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  • The latest honours and prizes

ETH Medals for Matthias Kirchner and Jana Janková

  • RiskLab
  • SfS
  • D-MATH News
  • The latest honours and prizes

Peter Bühlmann: Neyman Lecturer

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Doctoral exam of Gian Thanei

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Doctoral exam of Dominik Rothenhäusler

  • D-MATH News
  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Emilija Perkovic

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  • Doctoral exams
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Peter Bühlmann and Rahul Pandharipande: ERC Advanced Grants

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Sara van de Geer: member of the Oberwolfach Scientific Committee

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Sara van de Geer and Peter Bühlmann: Highly Cited Researchers 2017

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Doctoral exam of Sylvain Robert

  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Benjamin Stucky

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Doctoral exam of Jana Janková

  • Doctoral exams
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Scientifica 2017: rock-paper-scissors

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Marloes Maathuis: IMS Fellow

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Peter Bühlmann: honorary doctorate

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Habib Ammari and Peter Bühlmann: 2016 Highly Cited Researchers

  • SAM
  • SfS

Sara van de Geer: Van Wijngaarden Award


Doctoral exam of Laura Buzdugan

  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Jan Ernest

  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Ruben Dezeure

  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Preetam Nandy

  • Doctoral exams
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Nicolai Meinshausen: COPSS Award


Peter Bühlmann: ASA Fellow


Marloes Maathuis: newly appointed full professor

  • SfS
  • Professorships

Nicolai Meinshausen: IMS Fellow


Sara van de Geer: Wald Lectures


Doctoral exam of Alan Muro

  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Chenchen Zhu

  • Doctoral exams
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Doctoral exam of Anna Drewek

  • Doctoral exams
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Sara van de Geer: Royal decoration


Doctoral exam of Christopher Nowzohour

  • Doctoral exams
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Nicolai Meinshausen: 2015 JSM Medallion lecturer


Sara van de Geer: President Bernoulli Society


Peter Bühlmann: 2015 EMS forum lecturer


Sara van de Geer: 2015 Le Cam Award


Doctoral exam of Jacopo Mandozzi

  • Doctoral exams
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Peter J. Bickel receives honorary doctorate


50 Years of Statistics at ETH Zurich

  • Conferences and congresses
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Hans-Rudolf Künsch: farewell lecture

  • Inaugural and farewell lectures
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Doctoral exam of Christian Kerkhoff

  • Doctoral exams
  • SfS

Three D-MATH professors are "Highly Cited Researchers 2014"

  • Professorships
  • SfS
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