Peter Bühlmann: 2024 Wald Memorial Award and Lecture

We are delighted to announce that Professor Peter Bühlmann received the 2024 Wald Memorial Award and Lecture and will deliver the Wald Lecture at the World Congress in Probability and Statistics in Bochum.

Peter Bühlmann, Wald Lecturer
Prof. Peter Bühlmann

Peter Bühlmann will have the honour to give the 2024 Wald Lecture on the topic "Causality-inspired Statistical Machine Learning". The Wald Memorial Award and Lecture is given by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics which describes it as follows: "The Wald Memorial Award and Lecture is an annual award that honours Abraham Wald. The Wald Memorial Award and Lecture should be presented by a person whose contributions have been fundamental to the development of statistics or probability."

The Lecture will be held at the 2024 World Congress in Probability and Statistics, organised jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and hosted by the Ruhr University in Bochum from 12 to 16 August 2024. The Congress is held every four years and covers all branches of statistics and probability. This includes theoretical, methodological, applied and computational statistics, as well as probability and stochastic processes.

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