The conference will take place in the ETH main building at external page Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
How to find ETH from the airport and the central station
The plenary lectures and the contributed talks take place in rooms HG F 1, E 1.1 and E 1.2. Once you have entered the main building, you will find signs directing you to the lecture halls.
In the main building, the floors are labeled with letters. Floor E is the ground floor, F is the first floor.
Coffee breaks and lunches
Thurdsay, 15 January and Friday, 16 January, in front of the lecture halls.
Apéro / Welcome reception
Wednesday, 14 January, 5 pm, on floor F in the ETH main building
Conference dinner
Thursday evening, 15 January, at the Zunfthaus zur Meisen