Kinetic and hydrodynamic PDEs
Conference in honour of François Golse's 60th birthday
16 to 19 January 2024
Organisers: Laurent Desvillettes (Paris), Mikaela Iacobelli (ETH Zürich), Laure Saint-Raymond (IHES)
ETH main building, HG G 3
Invited speakers:
Kazuo Aoki, National Cheng Kung University
Claude Bardos, Université Paris-Diderot (Paris 7)
Yann Brenier, Université Paris-Saclay
Emanuele Caglioti, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Marie Doumic, Ecole Polytechnique and Inria
Isabelle Gallagher, Ecole Normale Supérieure
Irene M. Gamba, The University of Texas at Austin
Cyril Imbert, Ecole Normale Supérieure
Pierre-Emmanuel Jabin, Penn State University
Shi Jin, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Dave Levermore, University of Maryland
Pierre-Louis Lions, Collège de France
Tai-Ping Liu, Stanford University
Frank Merle, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Clément Mouhot, University of Cambridge
Thierry Paul, CNRS Laboratoire Ypatia des Sciences Mathématiques (LYSM), Rome
Nataša Pavlović, The University of Texas at Austin
Peter Pickl, Universität Tübingen
Mario Pulvirenti, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Sylvia Serfaty, Courant Institute, New York University
Alexis Vasseur, The University of Texas at Austin