Past lectures

Semester Lecturer Title
20242Autumn Semester 2024 Staffilani Gigliola Gigliola Staffilani (MIT) Dispersive equations and wave turbulence theory info
20242Autumn Semester 2024 Mrowka Tom Tom Mrowka (MIT) Floer homology of three manifolds and applications to low dimensional topology info
20241Spring Semester 2024 Çetin Umut Umut Çetin (London School of Economics and Political Science) Mathematics of Market Microstructure info
20232Autumn Semester 2023 Fresán Javier Javier Fresán (École polytechnique, Palaiseau) E-​functions and geometry info
20231Spring Semester 2023 Nucinkis Brita Brita Nucinkis (Royal Holloway, University of London) Cohomological methods in group theory info
20231Spring Semester 2023 Mendelson Shahar Shahar Mendelson (The Australian National University) Probabilistic methods in Analysis info
20231Spring Semester 2023 Böröczky Karoly Karoly Böröczky (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest) The Isoperimetric inequality, the Brunn-​Minkowski theory, and the Lp Minkowski problem info
20222Autumn Semester 2022 Mourrat Jean-Christophe Jean-Christophe Mourrat (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) A PDE approach to mean-​field disordered systems info
20221Spring Semester 2022 Kleinbock Dmitry Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis University) Dynamics on homogeneous spaces and new applications to number theory info
20221Spring Semester 2022 Nickl Richard Richard Nickl (University of Cambridge) Bayesian non-linear inverse problems: statistical and computational guarantees info
20221Spring Semester 2022 Bedrossian Jacob Jacob Bedrossian (University of Maryland) New and classical perspectives on hydrodynamic stability info
20212Autumn Semester 2021 Spence Euan Euan Spence (University of Bath) At the interface between semiclassical analysis and numerical analysis of wave-​scattering problems info
20212Autumn Semester 2021 Albrecher Hansjörg Hansjörg Albrecher (Université de Lausanne) Randomization and Dimensionality in Risk Modeling info
20211Spring Semester 2021 Krivelevich Michael Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University) Random graphs info
20211Spring Semester 2021 Baur Karin Karin Baur (University of Leeds) Cluster algebras and cluster categories via surfaces info
20211Spring Semester 2021 Malchiodi Andrea Andrea Malchiodi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) Prescribing Scalar Curvature in Conformal Geometry info
20202Autumn Semester 2020 Otto Felix Felix Otto (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Leipzig) Stochastic homogenization info
20201Spring Semester 2020 Soundararajan Kannan Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford University / ETH-​​ITS) The value distribution of L-​functions and multiplicative number theory info
20201Spring Semester 2020 Friz Peter K. Peter K. Friz (Technische Universität and Weierstraß-​Institut Berlin) Rough Analysis and Applications info
20201Spring Semester 2020 Reshetikhin Nicolai Nicolai Reshetikhin (University of California, Berkeley / ETH-​​ITS) Limit shape phenomenon in integrable models in statistical mechanics info
20192Autumn Semester 2019 Ortega Juan Pablo Juan Pablo Ortega (Universität St. Gallen) Machine Learning of Dynamic Processes with Applications to Forecasting info
20192Autumn Semester 2019 Duke William William Duke (University of California, Los Angeles) Topics in modern analytic number theory: The many faces of the modular group info
20192Autumn Semester 2019 Evans Lawrence C. Lawrence C. Evans (University of California, Berkeley) Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations info
20191Spring Semester 2019 Krikorian Raphaël Raphaël Krikorian (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) Spectral and dynamical aspects of the theory of quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators info
20182Autumn Semester 2018 Baader Sebastian Sebastian Baader (Universität Bern) Geometry of Surfaces info
20181Spring Semester 2018 Polishchuk Alexander Alexander Polishchuk (University of Oregon) A-infinity structures and moduli spaces info
20181Spring Semester 2018 Hasselblatt Boris Boris Hasselblatt (Tufts University) Hyperbolic flows info
20181Spring Semester 2018 Rüschendorf Ludger Ludger Rüschendorf (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) Dependence, risk bounds and optimal portfolios info
20172Autumn Semester 2017 Anantharaman Nalini Nalini Anantharaman (Université de Strasbourg) Delocalization of Schrödinger eigenfunctions info
20172Autumn Semester 2017 Voisin Claire Claire Voisin (Collège de France and ETH-ITS) Hyper-Kähler manifolds info
20172Autumn Semester 2017 Peters Gareth Gareth Peters (University College London) Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Risk and Insurance info
20171Spring Semester 2017 Schoen Richard Richard Schoen (University of California, Irvine) Topics in scalar curvature info
20171Spring Semester 2017 Tadmor Eitan Eitan Tadmor (ETH-ITS / University of Maryland) Self-organized dynamics. From emerging consensus to hydrodynamic flocking info
20162Autumn Semester 2016 Miermont Grégory Grégory Miermont (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) Random two-dimensional geometries info
20162Autumn Semester 2016 Kaloshin Vadim Vadim Kaloshin (ETH-ITS / University of Maryland) Stochastic Arnold diffusion of deterministic systems info
20162Autumn Semester 2016 Shnirelman Alexander Alexander Shnirelman (Concordia University) Some problems of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics info
20161Spring Semester 2016 Thomas Anne Anne Thomas (University of Sydney) Geometric and topological aspects of Coxeter groups and buildings info
20161Spring Semester 2016 Lubotzky Alex Alex Lubotzky (ETH-ITS / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) High dimensional expanders info
20161Spring Semester 2016 Röckner Michael Michael Röckner (Universität Bielefeld) Variational approach to SPDEs and corresponding Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations info
20152Autumn Semester 2015 Schachermayer Walter Walter Schachermayer (ETH-ITS / Universität Wien) The asymptotic theory of transaction costs info
20152Autumn Semester 2015 Wainwright Martin Martin Wainwright (University of California, Berkeley) Statistics meets Optimization: Randomization and approximation for high-dimensional problems info
20151Spring Semester 2015 Fox Jacob Jacob Fox (Stanford University) Regularity Methods in Combinatorics info
20151Spring Semester 2015 Iwaniec Henryk Henryk Iwaniec (ETH-ITS / Rutgers University) Analytic theory of L-functions info
20151Spring Semester 2015 Nesterov Yurii Yurii Nesterov (Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)) Complexity and Simplicity of Optimization Problems info
20151Spring Semester 2015 Mingione Giuseppe Giuseppe Mingione (Università degli Studi di Parma) Nonlinear aspects of Calderón-Zygmund theory info
20142Autumn Semester 2014 Kutyniok Gitta Gitta Kutyniok (Technische Universität Berlin) Applied Harmonic Analysis meets Compressed Sensing info
20142Autumn Semester 2014 Hurd Tom Tom Hurd (McMaster University) Mathematics of Financial Systemic Risk info
20142Autumn Semester 2014 Figalli Alessio Alessio Figalli (The University of Texas at Austin) The Monge-Ampère equation and its applications info
20141Spring Semester 2014 Golse François François Golse (Ecole Polytechnique) Velocity Averaging and Hydrodynamic Limits of Kinetic Models info
20141Spring Semester 2014 Lovász László László Lovász (Eötvös Loránd University) Geometric Representations of Graphs info
20141Spring Semester 2014 Cluckers Raf Raf Cluckers (Université Lille 1) Motivic Integration and Transfer Principles info
20132Autumn Semester 2013 Dafermos Mihalis Mihalis Dafermos (University of Cambridge / University of Princeton) The geometry and analysis of black holes in general relativity info
20132Autumn Semester 2013 Mikosch Thomas Thomas Mikosch (University of Copenhagen) Time series models with heavy tails info
20131Spring Semester 2013 Serfaty Sylvia Sylvia Serfaty (Université Paris 6 / Courant Institute, New York) Coulomb Systems and Ginzburg-Landau vortices info
20122Autumn Semester 2012 Werner Wendelin Wendelin Werner (Université Paris-Sud) An Introduction to Conformal Loop Ensembles info
20122Autumn Semester 2012 Gorodnik Alexander Alexander Gorodnik (University of Bristol) Ergodic Theory of Large Groups and Number Theory info
20122Autumn Semester 2012 Kyprianou Andreas Andreas Kyprianou (University of Bath) Gerber-Shiu Risk Theory through Lévy Processes info
20121Spring Semester 2012 Gordon Iain Iain Gordon (University of Edinburgh) Noncommutative Algebra and Geometric Representation Theory info
20121Spring Semester 2012 Hebey Emmanuel Emmanuel Hebey (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris) Compactness and Stability for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations info
20112Autumn Semester 2011 Gelander Tsachik Tsachik Gelander (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Lattices in Lie and Locally Compact Groups info
20112Autumn Semester 2011 Föllmer Hans Hans Föllmer (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) Monetary Risk Measures for Large Systems info
20111Spring Semester 2011 Raphaël Pierre Pierre Raphaël (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) Singularity formation in nonlinear dispersive equations info
20111Spring Semester 2011 Marsh Robert Robert Marsh (University of Leeds) Cluster Algebras info
20102Autumn Semester 2010 Bertoin Jean Jean Bertoin (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) Exchangeable Coalescence info
20102Autumn Semester 2010 Schlag Wilhelm Wilhelm Schlag (University of Chicago ) On long-term behavior of solutions to nonlinear evolution equations info
20101Spring Semester 2010 Faou Erwan Erwan Faou (INRIA and ENS Cachan Bretagne) Geometric integration of Hamiltonian PDEs and application to quantum dynamics info
20101Spring Semester 2010 Loday Jean-Louis Jean-Louis Loday (CNRS / Strasbourg) Postmodern algebra: operadic calculus info
20092Autumn Semester 2009 Michel Philippe Philippe Michel (EPF Lausanne) Subconvexity, periods, and equidistribution info
20092Autumn Semester 2009 Brenier Yann Yann Brenier (Université de Nice) Hidden Convexity in some Nonlinear PDE's from Geometry and Physics info
20091Spring Semester 2009 Onn Shmuel Shmuel Onn (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) Nonlinear Discrete Optimization info
20091Spring Semester 2009 Xu Ping Ping Xu (Penn State University) Differential stacks, gerbes and applications info
20091Spring Semester 2009 Wintenberger Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre Wintenberger (Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg) On Serre's modularity conjecture info
20082Autumn Semester 2008 Brendle Simon Simon Brendle (Loughborough University) Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem info
20081Spring Semester 2008 Bárány Imre Imre Bárány (Budapest and London) Random points and lattice points in convex bodies info
20081Spring Semester 2008 Veselov Alexander Alexander Veselov (Loughborough University) Generalised root systems in algebra, geometry and mathematical physics info
20081Spring Semester 2008 Grigor'yan Alexander Alexander Grigor'yan (Unviersität Bielefeld) Heat kernels on metric measure spaces info
20072Autumn Semester 2007 Groeneboom Piet Piet Groeneboom (TU Delft) Non-standard asymptotics and particle systems info
20072Autumn Semester 2007 Lubich Christian Christian Lubich (Universität Tübingen) From quantum to classical molecular dynamics: intermediate models and numerical analysis info
20072Autumn Semester 2007 Kuwert Ernst Ernst Kuwert (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau) The Willmore functional info
20072Autumn Semester 2007 Biran Paul Paul Biran (Tel Aviv University) Symplectic floer theory through examples & applications info
20071Summer Semester 2007 Barvinok Alexander Alexander Barvinok (Michigan) Integer points, polyhedra, and complexity info
20071Summer Semester 2007 Pacard Frank Frank Pacard (Université Paris 12) Analysis in weighted spaces: Application in nonlinear analysis and geometry info
2006/071Winter Semester 2006/07 Bryant Robert Robert Bryant (Duke University) Exterior differential systems in geometry info
2006/071Winter Semester 2006/07 Alekseev Anton Anton Alekseev (University of Geneva) Moment maps, equivariaant cohomology, and their applications info
2006/071Winter Semester 2006/07 Labourie François François Labourie (Orsay) Representation of surface groups and Teichmüller theory info
20061Summer Semester 2006 Farber Michael Michael Farber (Durham) Topics of Topological Robotics info
2005/061Winter Semester 2005/06 Smirnov Stanislav Stanislav Smirnov (Geneva/Stockholm) Conformal invariance of lattice models info
2005/061Winter Semester 2005/06 Vershik Anatoly Anatoly Vershik (St. Petersburg) Classical and Asymptotic Theory of the Representations of Symmetric Groups info
20051Summer Semester 2005 Etinghof Pavel Pavel Etinghof (MIT) Calogero-Moser systems and representation theory info
20051Summer Semester 2005 Sturmfels Bernd Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley) Computational Algebraic Geometry info
20051Summer Semester 2005 Balkema Guus Guus Balkema (Instituut voor Wiskunde, Amsterdam) Poisson Point Processes and their Applications to Extreme Value Theory info
2004/051Winter Semester 2004/05 Novikov Alexander Alexander Novikov (UTS, Sydney) Martingales and Stopping Times with Applications info
2004/051Winter Semester 2004/05 Kuksin Sergei B. Sergei B. Kuksin (Heriott-Watt University) Introducion to the qualitative theory of randomly forced nonlinear PDEs and to statistical hydrodynamics in 2 space dimentions info
20041Summer Semester 2004 Kaimanovich Vadim Vadim Kaimanovich (Université de Rennes) Boundaries of groups: geometric and probabilistic aspects info
20041Summer Semester 2004 Mazzeo Rafe Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University) Analysis on asymptotically symmetric spaces info
20041Summer Semester 2004 Bollobás Béla Béla Bollobás (Memphis and Cambridge) Random Graphs info
2003/041Winter Semester 2003/04 Friedlander Eric M. Eric M. Friedlander (Northwestern University) Algebraic Cycles and Algebraic K-Theory info
2003/041Winter Semester 2003/04 Nesterov Yurii Yurii Nesterov (CORE/INMA, Université catholique de Louvain) Complexity of nonlinear optimization info
2003/041Winter Semester 2003/04 Shatah Jalal Jalal Shatah (Courant Institute, New York University) Geometric Dispersive Equations info
20031Summer Semester 2003 Nekrasov Nikita Nikita Nekrasov (I.H.E.S.) Instantons in Physics and Mathematics info
20031Summer Semester 2003 Pesin Yakov Yakov Pesin (Pennsylvania State University) Stable Ergodicity and Partial Hyperbolicty: Fundamentals and Recent Advances info
20031Summer Semester 2003 Seidel Paul Paul Seidel (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) Symplectic Geometry and the Structure of Algebraic Varieties info
2002/031Winter Semester 2002/03 Popov Vladimir L. Vladimir L. Popov (Steklov Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Introduction to Algebraic Transformation Groups and Invariant Theory info
2002/031Winter Semester 2002/03 Christodoulou Demetrios Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH Zürich) Mathematical Problems of General Relativity Theory info
2002/031Winter Semester 2002/03 Kleiner Bruce Bruce Kleiner (Univerrsity of Michigan, Ann Arbor) Boundaries of Gromov hyperbolic spaces info
20021Summer Semester 2002 Katok Anatole Anatole Katok (Pennsylvania State University, USA) Dynamics and ergodic theory of actions of higher-rank abelian groups info
20021Summer Semester 2002 Rannacher Rolf Rolf Rannacher (Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland) Adaptive methods for solving differential equations info
20021Summer Semester 2002 Shiryaev Albert Albert Shiryaev (Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia) Optimal stopping and free boundary problems info
2001/021Winter Semester 2001/02 Ambrosio Luigi Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa) Optimal transport: theory and applications info
2001/021Winter Semester 2001/02 Nesetril Jaroslav Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles University, Prague) Combinatorics of mappings info
20011Summer Semester 2001 Engquist Bjoern Bjoern Engquist (UCLA) Computational electromagnetics in time domain info
20011Summer Semester 2001 Yau Horng-Tzer Horng-Tzer Yau (New York University) Methods in scaling limits of particle systems info
20011Summer Semester 2001 Chang Sun-Yung Alice Sun-Yung Alice Chang (Princeton University) Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal geometry info
2000/011Winter Semester 2000/01 Dubrovin Boris Boris Dubrovin (SISSA, Trieste) Frobenius manifolds and Riemann - Hilbert problem info
2000/011Winter Semester 2000/01 Brydges David David Brydges (University of Virginia, Charlottesville) Taming Functional Integrals info
2000/011Winter Semester 2000/01 LeFloch Philippe G. Philippe G. LeFloch (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws info
20001Summer Semester 2000 Rabin Michael O. Michael O. Rabin (Harvard University) Cryptography: The Mathematics of Trust and Adversity info
20001Summer Semester 2000 Jerrum Mark Mark Jerrum (University of Edinburgh) Counting, sampling and integrating: algorithms and complexity info
1999/001Winter Semester 1999/00 A'Campo Norbert Norbert A'Campo (Universität Basel) Curves and Knots info
1999/001Winter Semester 1999/00 Schwermer Joachim Joachim Schwermer (Universität Düsseldorf) Arithmetic Groups - Geometric Aspects info
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