Past lectures
Semester | Lecturer | Title | |
20242Autumn Semester 2024 | Staffilani Gigliola Gigliola Staffilani (MIT) | Dispersive equations and wave turbulence theory | info |
20242Autumn Semester 2024 | Mrowka Tom Tom Mrowka (MIT) | Floer homology of three manifolds and applications to low dimensional topology | info |
20241Spring Semester 2024 | Çetin Umut Umut Çetin (London School of Economics and Political Science) | Mathematics of Market Microstructure | info |
20232Autumn Semester 2023 | Fresán Javier Javier Fresán (École polytechnique, Palaiseau) | E-functions and geometry | info |
20231Spring Semester 2023 | Nucinkis Brita Brita Nucinkis (Royal Holloway, University of London) | Cohomological methods in group theory | info |
20231Spring Semester 2023 | Mendelson Shahar Shahar Mendelson (The Australian National University) | Probabilistic methods in Analysis | info |
20231Spring Semester 2023 | Böröczky Karoly Karoly Böröczky (Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest) | The Isoperimetric inequality, the Brunn-Minkowski theory, and the Lp Minkowski problem | info |
20222Autumn Semester 2022 | Mourrat Jean-Christophe Jean-Christophe Mourrat (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) | A PDE approach to mean-field disordered systems | info |
20221Spring Semester 2022 | Kleinbock Dmitry Dmitry Kleinbock (Brandeis University) | Dynamics on homogeneous spaces and new applications to number theory | info |
20221Spring Semester 2022 | Nickl Richard Richard Nickl (University of Cambridge) | Bayesian non-linear inverse problems: statistical and computational guarantees | info |
20221Spring Semester 2022 | Bedrossian Jacob Jacob Bedrossian (University of Maryland) | New and classical perspectives on hydrodynamic stability | info |
20212Autumn Semester 2021 | Spence Euan Euan Spence (University of Bath) | At the interface between semiclassical analysis and numerical analysis of wave-scattering problems | info |
20212Autumn Semester 2021 | Albrecher Hansjörg Hansjörg Albrecher (Université de Lausanne) | Randomization and Dimensionality in Risk Modeling | info |
20211Spring Semester 2021 | Krivelevich Michael Michael Krivelevich (Tel Aviv University) | Random graphs | info |
20211Spring Semester 2021 | Baur Karin Karin Baur (University of Leeds) | Cluster algebras and cluster categories via surfaces | info |
20211Spring Semester 2021 | Malchiodi Andrea Andrea Malchiodi (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) | Prescribing Scalar Curvature in Conformal Geometry | info |
20202Autumn Semester 2020 | Otto Felix Felix Otto (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Leipzig) | Stochastic homogenization | info |
20201Spring Semester 2020 | Soundararajan Kannan Kannan Soundararajan (Stanford University / ETH-ITS) | The value distribution of L-functions and multiplicative number theory | info |
20201Spring Semester 2020 | Friz Peter K. Peter K. Friz (Technische Universität and Weierstraß-Institut Berlin) | Rough Analysis and Applications | info |
20201Spring Semester 2020 | Reshetikhin Nicolai Nicolai Reshetikhin (University of California, Berkeley / ETH-ITS) | Limit shape phenomenon in integrable models in statistical mechanics | info |
20192Autumn Semester 2019 | Ortega Juan Pablo Juan Pablo Ortega (Universität St. Gallen) | Machine Learning of Dynamic Processes with Applications to Forecasting | info |
20192Autumn Semester 2019 | Duke William William Duke (University of California, Los Angeles) | Topics in modern analytic number theory: The many faces of the modular group | info |
20192Autumn Semester 2019 | Evans Lawrence C. Lawrence C. Evans (University of California, Berkeley) | Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations | info |
20191Spring Semester 2019 | Krikorian Raphaël Raphaël Krikorian (Université de Cergy-Pontoise) | Spectral and dynamical aspects of the theory of quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators | info |
20182Autumn Semester 2018 | Baader Sebastian Sebastian Baader (Universität Bern) | Geometry of Surfaces | info |
20181Spring Semester 2018 | Polishchuk Alexander Alexander Polishchuk (University of Oregon) | A-infinity structures and moduli spaces | info |
20181Spring Semester 2018 | Hasselblatt Boris Boris Hasselblatt (Tufts University) | Hyperbolic flows | info |
20181Spring Semester 2018 | Rüschendorf Ludger Ludger Rüschendorf (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) | Dependence, risk bounds and optimal portfolios | info |
20172Autumn Semester 2017 | Anantharaman Nalini Nalini Anantharaman (Université de Strasbourg) | Delocalization of Schrödinger eigenfunctions | info |
20172Autumn Semester 2017 | Voisin Claire Claire Voisin (Collège de France and ETH-ITS) | Hyper-Kähler manifolds | info |
20172Autumn Semester 2017 | Peters Gareth Gareth Peters (University College London) | Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Risk and Insurance | info |
20171Spring Semester 2017 | Schoen Richard Richard Schoen (University of California, Irvine) | Topics in scalar curvature | info |
20171Spring Semester 2017 | Tadmor Eitan Eitan Tadmor (ETH-ITS / University of Maryland) | Self-organized dynamics. From emerging consensus to hydrodynamic flocking | info |
20162Autumn Semester 2016 | Miermont Grégory Grégory Miermont (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) | Random two-dimensional geometries | info |
20162Autumn Semester 2016 | Kaloshin Vadim Vadim Kaloshin (ETH-ITS / University of Maryland) | Stochastic Arnold diffusion of deterministic systems | info |
20162Autumn Semester 2016 | Shnirelman Alexander Alexander Shnirelman (Concordia University) | Some problems of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics | info |
20161Spring Semester 2016 | Thomas Anne Anne Thomas (University of Sydney) | Geometric and topological aspects of Coxeter groups and buildings | info |
20161Spring Semester 2016 | Lubotzky Alex Alex Lubotzky (ETH-ITS / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | High dimensional expanders | info |
20161Spring Semester 2016 | Röckner Michael Michael Röckner (Universität Bielefeld) | Variational approach to SPDEs and corresponding Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations | info |
20152Autumn Semester 2015 | Schachermayer Walter Walter Schachermayer (ETH-ITS / Universität Wien) | The asymptotic theory of transaction costs | info |
20152Autumn Semester 2015 | Wainwright Martin Martin Wainwright (University of California, Berkeley) | Statistics meets Optimization: Randomization and approximation for high-dimensional problems | info |
20151Spring Semester 2015 | Fox Jacob Jacob Fox (Stanford University) | Regularity Methods in Combinatorics | info |
20151Spring Semester 2015 | Iwaniec Henryk Henryk Iwaniec (ETH-ITS / Rutgers University) | Analytic theory of L-functions | info |
20151Spring Semester 2015 | Nesterov Yurii Yurii Nesterov (Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)) | Complexity and Simplicity of Optimization Problems | info |
20151Spring Semester 2015 | Mingione Giuseppe Giuseppe Mingione (Università degli Studi di Parma) | Nonlinear aspects of Calderón-Zygmund theory | info |
20142Autumn Semester 2014 | Kutyniok Gitta Gitta Kutyniok (Technische Universität Berlin) | Applied Harmonic Analysis meets Compressed Sensing | info |
20142Autumn Semester 2014 | Hurd Tom Tom Hurd (McMaster University) | Mathematics of Financial Systemic Risk | info |
20142Autumn Semester 2014 | Figalli Alessio Alessio Figalli (The University of Texas at Austin) | The Monge-Ampère equation and its applications | info |
20141Spring Semester 2014 | Golse François François Golse (Ecole Polytechnique) | Velocity Averaging and Hydrodynamic Limits of Kinetic Models | info |
20141Spring Semester 2014 | Lovász László László Lovász (Eötvös Loránd University) | Geometric Representations of Graphs | info |
20141Spring Semester 2014 | Cluckers Raf Raf Cluckers (Université Lille 1) | Motivic Integration and Transfer Principles | info |
20132Autumn Semester 2013 | Dafermos Mihalis Mihalis Dafermos (University of Cambridge / University of Princeton) | The geometry and analysis of black holes in general relativity | info |
20132Autumn Semester 2013 | Mikosch Thomas Thomas Mikosch (University of Copenhagen) | Time series models with heavy tails | info |
20131Spring Semester 2013 | Serfaty Sylvia Sylvia Serfaty (Université Paris 6 / Courant Institute, New York) | Coulomb Systems and Ginzburg-Landau vortices | info |
20122Autumn Semester 2012 | Werner Wendelin Wendelin Werner (Université Paris-Sud) | An Introduction to Conformal Loop Ensembles | info |
20122Autumn Semester 2012 | Gorodnik Alexander Alexander Gorodnik (University of Bristol) | Ergodic Theory of Large Groups and Number Theory | info |
20122Autumn Semester 2012 | Kyprianou Andreas Andreas Kyprianou (University of Bath) | Gerber-Shiu Risk Theory through Lévy Processes | info |
20121Spring Semester 2012 | Gordon Iain Iain Gordon (University of Edinburgh) | Noncommutative Algebra and Geometric Representation Theory | info |
20121Spring Semester 2012 | Hebey Emmanuel Emmanuel Hebey (Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris) | Compactness and Stability for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations | info |
20112Autumn Semester 2011 | Gelander Tsachik Tsachik Gelander (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) | Lattices in Lie and Locally Compact Groups | info |
20112Autumn Semester 2011 | Föllmer Hans Hans Föllmer (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin) | Monetary Risk Measures for Large Systems | info |
20111Spring Semester 2011 | Raphaël Pierre Pierre Raphaël (Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse) | Singularity formation in nonlinear dispersive equations | info |
20111Spring Semester 2011 | Marsh Robert Robert Marsh (University of Leeds) | Cluster Algebras | info |
20102Autumn Semester 2010 | Bertoin Jean Jean Bertoin (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris) | Exchangeable Coalescence | info |
20102Autumn Semester 2010 | Schlag Wilhelm Wilhelm Schlag (University of Chicago ) | On long-term behavior of solutions to nonlinear evolution equations | info |
20101Spring Semester 2010 | Faou Erwan Erwan Faou (INRIA and ENS Cachan Bretagne) | Geometric integration of Hamiltonian PDEs and application to quantum dynamics | info |
20101Spring Semester 2010 | Loday Jean-Louis Jean-Louis Loday (CNRS / Strasbourg) | Postmodern algebra: operadic calculus | info |
20092Autumn Semester 2009 | Michel Philippe Philippe Michel (EPF Lausanne) | Subconvexity, periods, and equidistribution | info |
20092Autumn Semester 2009 | Brenier Yann Yann Brenier (Université de Nice) | Hidden Convexity in some Nonlinear PDE's from Geometry and Physics | info |
20091Spring Semester 2009 | Onn Shmuel Shmuel Onn (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology) | Nonlinear Discrete Optimization | info |
20091Spring Semester 2009 | Xu Ping Ping Xu (Penn State University) | Differential stacks, gerbes and applications | info |
20091Spring Semester 2009 | Wintenberger Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre Wintenberger (Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg) | On Serre's modularity conjecture | info |
20082Autumn Semester 2008 | Brendle Simon Simon Brendle (Loughborough University) | Ricci Flow and the Sphere Theorem | info |
20081Spring Semester 2008 | Bárány Imre Imre Bárány (Budapest and London) | Random points and lattice points in convex bodies | info |
20081Spring Semester 2008 | Veselov Alexander Alexander Veselov (Loughborough University) | Generalised root systems in algebra, geometry and mathematical physics | info |
20081Spring Semester 2008 | Grigor'yan Alexander Alexander Grigor'yan (Unviersität Bielefeld) | Heat kernels on metric measure spaces | info |
20072Autumn Semester 2007 | Groeneboom Piet Piet Groeneboom (TU Delft) | Non-standard asymptotics and particle systems | info |
20072Autumn Semester 2007 | Lubich Christian Christian Lubich (Universität Tübingen) | From quantum to classical molecular dynamics: intermediate models and numerical analysis | info |
20072Autumn Semester 2007 | Kuwert Ernst Ernst Kuwert (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau) | The Willmore functional | info |
20072Autumn Semester 2007 | Biran Paul Paul Biran (Tel Aviv University) | Symplectic floer theory through examples & applications | info |
20071Summer Semester 2007 | Barvinok Alexander Alexander Barvinok (Michigan) | Integer points, polyhedra, and complexity | info |
20071Summer Semester 2007 | Pacard Frank Frank Pacard (Université Paris 12) | Analysis in weighted spaces: Application in nonlinear analysis and geometry | info |
2006/071Winter Semester 2006/07 | Bryant Robert Robert Bryant (Duke University) | Exterior differential systems in geometry | info |
2006/071Winter Semester 2006/07 | Alekseev Anton Anton Alekseev (University of Geneva) | Moment maps, equivariaant cohomology, and their applications | info |
2006/071Winter Semester 2006/07 | Labourie François François Labourie (Orsay) | Representation of surface groups and Teichmüller theory | info |
20061Summer Semester 2006 | Farber Michael Michael Farber (Durham) | Topics of Topological Robotics | info |
2005/061Winter Semester 2005/06 | Smirnov Stanislav Stanislav Smirnov (Geneva/Stockholm) | Conformal invariance of lattice models | info |
2005/061Winter Semester 2005/06 | Vershik Anatoly Anatoly Vershik (St. Petersburg) | Classical and Asymptotic Theory of the Representations of Symmetric Groups | info |
20051Summer Semester 2005 | Etinghof Pavel Pavel Etinghof (MIT) | Calogero-Moser systems and representation theory | info |
20051Summer Semester 2005 | Sturmfels Bernd Bernd Sturmfels (UC Berkeley) | Computational Algebraic Geometry | info |
20051Summer Semester 2005 | Balkema Guus Guus Balkema (Instituut voor Wiskunde, Amsterdam) | Poisson Point Processes and their Applications to Extreme Value Theory | info |
2004/051Winter Semester 2004/05 | Novikov Alexander Alexander Novikov (UTS, Sydney) | Martingales and Stopping Times with Applications | info |
2004/051Winter Semester 2004/05 | Kuksin Sergei B. Sergei B. Kuksin (Heriott-Watt University) | Introducion to the qualitative theory of randomly forced nonlinear PDEs and to statistical hydrodynamics in 2 space dimentions | info |
20041Summer Semester 2004 | Kaimanovich Vadim Vadim Kaimanovich (Université de Rennes) | Boundaries of groups: geometric and probabilistic aspects | info |
20041Summer Semester 2004 | Mazzeo Rafe Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University) | Analysis on asymptotically symmetric spaces | info |
20041Summer Semester 2004 | Bollobás Béla Béla Bollobás (Memphis and Cambridge) | Random Graphs | info |
2003/041Winter Semester 2003/04 | Friedlander Eric M. Eric M. Friedlander (Northwestern University) | Algebraic Cycles and Algebraic K-Theory | info |
2003/041Winter Semester 2003/04 | Nesterov Yurii Yurii Nesterov (CORE/INMA, Université catholique de Louvain) | Complexity of nonlinear optimization | info |
2003/041Winter Semester 2003/04 | Shatah Jalal Jalal Shatah (Courant Institute, New York University) | Geometric Dispersive Equations | info |
20031Summer Semester 2003 | Nekrasov Nikita Nikita Nekrasov (I.H.E.S.) | Instantons in Physics and Mathematics | info |
20031Summer Semester 2003 | Pesin Yakov Yakov Pesin (Pennsylvania State University) | Stable Ergodicity and Partial Hyperbolicty: Fundamentals and Recent Advances | info |
20031Summer Semester 2003 | Seidel Paul Paul Seidel (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) | Symplectic Geometry and the Structure of Algebraic Varieties | info |
2002/031Winter Semester 2002/03 | Popov Vladimir L. Vladimir L. Popov (Steklov Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) | Introduction to Algebraic Transformation Groups and Invariant Theory | info |
2002/031Winter Semester 2002/03 | Christodoulou Demetrios Demetrios Christodoulou (ETH Zürich) | Mathematical Problems of General Relativity Theory | info |
2002/031Winter Semester 2002/03 | Kleiner Bruce Bruce Kleiner (Univerrsity of Michigan, Ann Arbor) | Boundaries of Gromov hyperbolic spaces | info |
20021Summer Semester 2002 | Katok Anatole Anatole Katok (Pennsylvania State University, USA) | Dynamics and ergodic theory of actions of higher-rank abelian groups | info |
20021Summer Semester 2002 | Rannacher Rolf Rolf Rannacher (Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland) | Adaptive methods for solving differential equations | info |
20021Summer Semester 2002 | Shiryaev Albert Albert Shiryaev (Steklov Institute, Moscow, Russia) | Optimal stopping and free boundary problems | info |
2001/021Winter Semester 2001/02 | Ambrosio Luigi Luigi Ambrosio (Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa) | Optimal transport: theory and applications | info |
2001/021Winter Semester 2001/02 | Nesetril Jaroslav Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles University, Prague) | Combinatorics of mappings | info |
20011Summer Semester 2001 | Engquist Bjoern Bjoern Engquist (UCLA) | Computational electromagnetics in time domain | info |
20011Summer Semester 2001 | Yau Horng-Tzer Horng-Tzer Yau (New York University) | Methods in scaling limits of particle systems | info |
20011Summer Semester 2001 | Chang Sun-Yung Alice Sun-Yung Alice Chang (Princeton University) | Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal geometry | info |
2000/011Winter Semester 2000/01 | Dubrovin Boris Boris Dubrovin (SISSA, Trieste) | Frobenius manifolds and Riemann - Hilbert problem | info |
2000/011Winter Semester 2000/01 | Brydges David David Brydges (University of Virginia, Charlottesville) | Taming Functional Integrals | info |
2000/011Winter Semester 2000/01 | LeFloch Philippe G. Philippe G. LeFloch (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) | Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws | info |
20001Summer Semester 2000 | Rabin Michael O. Michael O. Rabin (Harvard University) | Cryptography: The Mathematics of Trust and Adversity | info |
20001Summer Semester 2000 | Jerrum Mark Mark Jerrum (University of Edinburgh) | Counting, sampling and integrating: algorithms and complexity | info |
1999/001Winter Semester 1999/00 | A'Campo Norbert Norbert A'Campo (Universität Basel) | Curves and Knots | info |
1999/001Winter Semester 1999/00 | Schwermer Joachim Joachim Schwermer (Universität Düsseldorf) | Arithmetic Groups - Geometric Aspects | info |