Social event / Outing
On Wednesday afternoon, we are organising an outing.
Wednesday, 29 June
2.20 p.m. Boat tour from Bürkliplatz to Halbinsel Au (peninsula Au)
3.30 p.m. Coffee and cake at the external page Landgasthaus Au. Explore the peninsula on foot if you like.
5.23 p.m. Boat tour return to Zürich Bürkliplatz.
You can also return individually by train (30 minutes) or by an earlier boat.
Price per person: CHF 20.00 (speakers, and those participants who receive funding from the FIM, are free). Please pay in cash (Swiss Francs, no credit cards accepted) during the registration on Monday morning.
To register for the excursion please fill in the form below. Deadline for registrations is Sunday, 26 June 2022. Please note that the number of participants is limited, and that we will therefore accept registrations on a first come - first served basis. Registration may be closed earlier if the maximum number of participants is reached.