Symposium: 50 years of mathematics at the FIM
June 3, 4, 5 and 8, 2015
Organisers: Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich), Mete Soner (ETH Zürich), Alain-Sol Sznitman (ETH Zürich), Tristan Rivière (ETH Zürich)
Invited speakers:
Emmanuel Breuillard, Université Paris-Sud 11
Alessio Figalli, The University of Texas at Austin
Martin Hairer, University of Warwick
Grégory Miermont, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Bjorn Poonen, MIT
Scott Sheffield, MIT
Terence Tao, UC Los Angeles
Akshay Venkatesh, Stanford University
Cédric Villani, Institut Henri Poincaré
More pictures can be found here