Discrete Geometry

Prof. Boris Bukh (Carnegie Mellon University)

28 February - 30 May 2025

Fridays, 10:15 - 12:00

Location: HG G 43

First lecture: 28 February


Discrete geometry studies arrangements of points, lines and other geometric objects in Euclidean spaces. Despite its humble origins, the subject has blossomed into a central area that connects combinatorics, graph theory, and convex geometry, with applications in computer science, harmonic analysis and number theory.

The course will serve as an introduction to discrete geometry, starting with the classical topics and covering several recent advances and

* Combinatorial convexity and intersection patterns of convex sets
* Selection theorems and epsilon nets
* Discrepancy
* Incidence problems
* Polynomial partitioning


If you would like to attend the lecture, please register by 23 February. This way you will be on the mailing list for news and information regarding the lecture.

Please note: if you would like to obtain credit points, you additionally need to register via mystudies.


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