Enlarged view: Poster "METE" conference

4 to 8 June 2018

METE - Mathematics and Economics: Trends and Explorations

Organisers: Francesca Da Lio (ETH Zürich), Nicole El Karoui (Ecole Polytechnique), Marcel Nutz (Columbia), Martin Schweizer (ETH Zürich), Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich)

Enlarged view: Poster "Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging (I)"

14 to 15 June 2018

Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging (I)

Organisers: Habib Ammari (ETH Zürich), Tristan Rivière (ETH Zürich)

Enlarged view: Poster "Conference in honour of Solomon Friedberg"

25 to 28 June 2018

Automorphic forms on reductive groups and their covers: A conference in honour of Solomon Friedberg

Organisers: Daniel Bump (Stanford University), Ben Brubaker (University of Minnesota), Oezlem Imamoglu (ETH Zürich)

Enlarged view: Poster "Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging (II)"

13 to 14 September 2018

Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging (II)

Organisers: Habib Ammari (ETH Zürich), Tristan Rivière (ETH Zürich)

Enlarged view: Poster "PDEs and Geometric Measure Theory"

29 October to 2 November 2018

PDEs and Geometric Measure Theory

Organisers: Alessio Figalli (ETH Zürich), Xavier Ros-Oton (Universität Zürich), Joaquim Serra (ETH Zürich)