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4 to 8 June 2018
METE - Mathematics and Economics: Trends and Explorations
Organisers: Francesca Da Lio (ETH Zürich), Nicole El Karoui (Ecole Polytechnique), Marcel Nutz (Columbia), Martin Schweizer (ETH Zürich), Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich)

14 to 15 June 2018
Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging (I)
Organisers: Habib Ammari (ETH Zürich), Tristan Rivière (ETH Zürich)

25 to 28 June 2018
Automorphic forms on reductive groups and their covers: A conference in honour of Solomon Friedberg
Organisers: Daniel Bump (Stanford University), Ben Brubaker (University of Minnesota), Oezlem Imamoglu (ETH Zürich)

13 to 14 September 2018
Series of Lectures on Waves and Imaging (II)
Organisers: Habib Ammari (ETH Zürich), Tristan Rivière (ETH Zürich)

29 October to 2 November 2018
PDEs and Geometric Measure Theory
Organisers: Alessio Figalli (ETH Zürich), Xavier Ros-Oton (Universität Zürich), Joaquim Serra (ETH Zürich)