Scam warning
We cannot provide accommodation for participants, and we will neither contact you nor ask a travel agency to contact you in this regard. If you get a call/email like this, it is a scam - please do not book a hotel room with someone claiming to be part of the organisation of the conference.
Speakers, and those participants who receive funding from the FIM, will be contacted by us directly with the hotel information.
Please note that this list is updated manually. Once you registered, it might take a few days until your name appears in the list.
- Ruedi Aebersold, ETH Zürich
- Mona Azadkia, London School of Economics
- Afonso Bandeira, ETH Zürich
- Arne Bathke, University of Salzburg
- Niko Beerenwinkel, ETH Zürich
- Nicolas Bennett, cynkra GmbH
- Peter Bickel, University of California, Berkeley
- David Blei, Columbia University
- Valentina Boeva, ETH Zürich
- Helmut Bölcskei, ETH Zürich
- Joachim Buhmann, ETH Zürich
- Tony Cai, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School
- Emmanuel Candes, Stanford University
- Yuansi Chen, ETH Zürich
- Krzysztof Cybulski, ETH Zürich
- Pawel Czyz, ETH Zürich
- Anthony Davison, EPF Lausanne
- Jürgen Degenfellner, ZHAW
- Marcel Dettling, ZHAW
- Ruben Dezeure, Merck Group
- Vanessa Didelez, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS
- David Dreifuss, ETH Zürich
- Mathias Drton, Technische Universität München
- Gaspar Dugac, ETH Zürich
- Lutz Dümbgen, University of Bern
- Corinne Emmenegger, QuantCo
- Marina Esteban Medina, ETH Zürich
- Jianqing Fan, Princeton University
- Maxim Fedotov, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Anya Fries, ETH Zürich
- Arnoldo Frigessi, University of Oslo
- Reinhard Furrer, DM3L, UZH
- Emily Omaya Garvin, ETH Zürich
- Ed George, University of Pennsylvania
- Sarah Gerster, EPF Lausanne
- Christophe Giraud, Université Paris Saclay
- Jelle Goeman, Leiden University Medical Center
- Luca Gravina, EPF Lausanne
- Zijian Guo, Rutgers University
- Niao He, ETH Zürich
- Thomas Hofmann, ETH Zürich
- Anastasiia Holovchak, ETH Zürich
- Torsten Hothorn, Universität Zürich
- Wolfgang Huber, EMBL
- Alexander Wolfgang Jung, ETH Zürich
- Markus Kalisch, ETH Zürich
- Avesta Khaliqi, ETH Zürich
- Nicolas Koch, ETH Zürich
- Solt Kovacs, Freelancer
- Andreas Krause, ETH Zürich
- Soeren Kuenzel, Citadel Securities
- Hans R. Künsch, ETH Zürich
- Michael Law, Google
- Liza Levina, University of Michigan
- Regina Liu, Rutgers University
- Po-Ling Loh, University of Cambridge
- Malte Londschien, ETH Zürich
- Oliver Lothgren, ETH Zürich
- Martin Mächler, ETH Zürich
- Gabriel Martos, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella
- Lukas Meier, ETH Zürich
- Siddhartha Mishra, ETH Zürich
- Stephan Morgenthaler, EPF Lausanne
- Klaus-Robert Müller, Technische Universität Berlin
- Axel Munk, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- Vivian Nastl, ETH Zürich
- Andrea Thomas Nava, ETH Zürich
- Junhyung Park, ETH Zürich
- Niklas Pfister, Lakera AI
- Annie Qu, University of California, Irvine
- Claude Renaux, Zurich Data Scientists
- Auguste Rimaite, ETH Zürich
- Ya'acov Ritov, University of Michigan
- Angelika Rohde, University of Freiburg
- Dominik Rothenhäusler, Stanford University
- Andreas Ruckstuhl, ZHAW
- Kaspar Rufibach, Merck KGaA
- Richard Samworth, University of Cambridge
- Cyrill Scheidegger, ETH Zürich
- Tobias Schoch, FHNW
- Bernhard Schölkopf, Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme, Tübingen
- Christoph Schwab, ETH Zürich
- Rajen Shah, University of Cambridge
- Xinwei Shen, ETH Zurich
- Fabio Sigrist, ETH Zürich
- Nicolas Städler, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
- Daniel Stekhoven, ETH Zürich
- Carolin Strobl, Universität Zürich
- Armeen Taeb, University of Washington
- Matthias Templ, FHNW
- Guanchun Tong, KU Leuven
- Caroline Uhler, MIT
- Markus Ulmer, ETH Zürich
- Sara van de Geer, ETH Zürich
- Julia Vogt, ETH Zürich
- Julius von Kügelgen, ETH Zürich
- Rainer von Sachs, Université catholique de Louvain
- Kartik Waghmare, ETH Zürich
- Martin Wainwright, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Max Welz, Universität Zürich
- Peter Whalley, ETH Zürich
- Ruben Camilo Wisskott, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL
- Fanny Yang, ETH Zürich
- Bin Yu, University of California, Berkeley
- Ming Yuan, Columbia University
- Michael Zellinger, Caltech/ETH Zürich
- Cunhui Zhang, Rutgers University
- Harry Zhou, Yale University
- Chenchen Zhu, Stanford University