Venues / Social events
The workshop will take place in the ETH main building at external page Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich
How to find ETH from the airport and the central station
All lectures will take place in room HG D 7.1. The lectures will not be broadcast or recorded.
Coffee breaks
Coffee breaks will take place in front of the lecture hall.
Apéro / Welcome reception
The welcome reception will take place on Monday evening after the last talk, at the Dozentenfoyer, floor J.
Social event / outing
We are organising a social event (boat trip) on Wednesday afternoon. Costs per participants: CHF 20 (cash only). Registration required.
Conference dinner
The conference dinner will take place on Thursday from 6.30 p.m. at the Restaurant Belvoirpark. Costs per participant: CHF 70 (cash only). Registration required.