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- Pedro Abdalla Teixeira, University of California, Irvine
- Rima Alaifari, ETH Zürich
- Samirah Alsulami, University of Jeddah
- Antonio Avilés Lopez, Universidad de Murcia
- Radu Victor Balan, University of Maryland
- Peter Balazs, Institut für Schallforschung, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- Francesca Bartolucci, TU Delft
- Rayane Oum Essaoud Bekhouche, Badji Mokhtar University
- Eugene Bilokopytov, University of Alberta
- Alberto Caldera Morante, UCM-ICMAT
- María J. Carro, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Gabriele Cassese, University of Oxford
- Smail Chemikh, USTHB
- Dan Edidin, University of Missouri
- Frank-Dieter Filbir, Helmholtz Zentrum München
- Daniel Freeman, Saint Louis University
- Enrique García-Sánchez, ICMAT
- Dorsa Ghoreishi, Saint Louis University
- Jean-Jacques Godeme, Inria Sophia
- João Gonçalves Ramos, University of Lisbon
- Philipp Grohs, Universität Wien
- Anupam Gumber, University of Genoa
- Daniel Haider, Acoustics Research Institute
- Jamel Jaber, University of Carthage
- Philippe Jaming, Université de Bordeaux
- Ghizlane Kettani, Paris University
- Felix Krahmer, Technische Universität München
- Denny Ho-Hon Leung, National University of Singapore
- Lukas Liehr, Universität Wien
- Dustin Mixon, The Ohio State University
- Timur Oikhberg, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Benjamin Pineau, Courant Instiute, NYU
- Palina Salanevich, Utrecht University
- Alberto Salguero Alarcón, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Tomasz Szczepanski, University of Alberta
- Mitchell Taylor, ETH Zürich
- Pedro Tradacete, ICMAT
- Nazaret Trejo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- Vladimir G. Troitsky, University of Alberta
- Matthias Wellershoff, University of Maryland
- Ande Wu, ETH Zürich
- Jan Vybiral, Czech Technical University
- Yu Xia, Hangzhou Normal University