D-Days: A Panorama of Geometry. Conference in honor of Dietmar Salamon for his 60th birthday

June 10 - 14, 2013


Organizers: Paul Biran (ETH Zürich), Helmut Hofer (IAS Princeton) and Leonid Polterovich (Tel Aviv/Chicago), in collaboration with the FIM

Our friend and colleague Dietmar Salamon will turn 60 in 2013. The occasion will be celebrated in an international conference featuring new trends and advances in different branches of geometry and related topics. A large portion of the lectures will be aimed at a general geometry-oriented audience with the intention to exhibit the state of art in fields such as symplectic topology, geometric analysis, Riemannian geometry, algebraic geometry, gauge theory, geometric aspects of Hamiltonian dynamics and mathematical physics.


Invited speakers:


Peter Albers, Universität Münster
Octav Cornea, Université de Montréal
Simon Donaldson, Imperial College, London
Yakov Eliashberg, Stanford University
Urs Frauenfelder, Seoul National University
Kenji Fukaya, Kyoto University
Viktor Ginzburg, UC Santa Cruz
Emmanuel Giroux, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
Mikhail Gromov, IHES / Courant Institute, New York
Vadim Kaloshin, University of Maryland
Yael Karshon, University of Toronto
Dusa McDuff, Columbia University
Rahul Pandharipande, ETH Zürich
Peter Sarnak, IAS Princeton
Paul Seidel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dennis Sullivan, City University of New York (tbc)
Cliff Taubes, Harvard University
Richard Thomas, Imperial College, London
Gang Tian, Princeton University
Katrin Wehrheim, UC Berkeley
Eric Zaslow, Northwestern University
Steve Zelditch, Northwestern University

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