Past lectures

Computational Algebraic Geometry

Prof. Dr. Bernd Sturmfels
UC Berkeley

April 6 - June 29, 2005
Date and time: Wednesdays, 10:15 - 12:15
Location: HG G 43


Algebraic geometry, which is the study of solution sets to systemsof polynomial equations in several unknowns, has a long and distinguishedpresence in the history of mathematics that produced both powerful andelegant theorems. In recent years, new algorithms have been developedfor computing with polynomial equations, and several old and new methodsfrom algebraic geometry have led to significant and unexpected advancesin several diverse areas across the mathematical sciences. The aim of these lectures is to offer an introduction to these computational tools and theirapplications to an interdisciplinary audience. Specific topics to be coveredinclude Gröbner Bases, Solving Algebraic Equations, Tropical Geometry, and recent applications in Statistics and Computational Biology.

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