Current visitors

Name Room Phone Period E-mail
Aardal, Karen
TU Delft
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Karen Aardal (TU Delft)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Integer and combinatorial optimization, especially algebraic methods for integer optimization problems
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Avilés Lopez, Antonio
Universidad de Murcia
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Antonio Avilés Lopez (Universidad de Murcia)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Bach, Francis
École Normale Supérieure
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Francis Bach (École Normale Supérieure)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Bachmann, Tom
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tom Bachmann (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Balan, Radu Victor
University of Maryland
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Radu Victor Balan (University of Maryland)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Balazs, Peter
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Peter Balazs (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Bartolucci, Francesca
TU Delft
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Francesca Bartolucci (TU Delft)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Basu, Amitabh
Johns Hopkins University
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Amitabh Basu (Johns Hopkins University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Optimization (with current emphasis on theoretical Integer Programming), Operations Research, Discrete and Combinatorial geometry, Convex analysis
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Basu, Amitabh
Johns Hopkins University
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Amitabh Basu (Johns Hopkins University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Optimization (with current emphasis on theoretical Integer Programming), Operations Research, Discrete and Combinatorial geometry, Convex analysis
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Bickel, Peter J.
University of California, Berkeley
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Peter J. Bickel (University of California, Berkeley)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Blei, David
Columbia University

HG G 39.5

+41 44 632 3591 5 Jan. - 31 Jul. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. David Blei (Columbia University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Peter Bühlmann
Stay period
from 5-Jan-2025 until 31-Jul-2025
Bordenave, Charles
Université d'Aix-Marseille

HG G 42.1

+41 44 632 6991 10 - 12 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Charles Bordenave (Université d'Aix-Marseille)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Mikaela Iacobelli
Stay period
from 10-Mar-2025 until 12-Mar-2025
Bou-Rabee, Ahmed
New York University

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 14 - 24 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Ahmed Bou-Rabee (New York University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Probability and partial differential equations
Invited by
William Cooperman
Stay period
from 14-Mar-2025 until 24-Mar-2025
Bousseau, Pierrick
The University of Georgia

HG G 42.1

+41 44 632 6991 22 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Pierrick Bousseau (The University of Georgia)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rahul Pandharipande
Stay period
from 22-Jan-2025 until 22-Jan-2025
Breuillard, Emmanuel
University of Oxford
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Emmanuel Breuillard (University of Oxford)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Buhovski, Lev
Tel Aviv University

HG G 42.2

+41 44 632 3597 6 - 12 Jul. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Lev Buhovski (Tel Aviv University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Symplectic geometry and analysis
Invited by
Sobhan Seyfaddini
Stay period
from 6-Jul-2025 until 12-Jul-2025
Bukh, Boris
Carnegie Mellon University

HG G 39.4

+41 44 632 3590 17 Feb. - 30 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Boris Bukh (Carnegie Mellon University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Benjamin Sudakov
Stay period
from 17-Feb-2025 until 30-May-2025
Cai, T. Tony
University of Pennsylvania
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. T. Tony Cai (University of Pennsylvania)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Candès, Emmanuel
Stanford University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Emmanuel Candès (Stanford University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Carro, Maria J.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
- - 5 May 2025 - 9 May 2024
Title and affiliation
Prof. Maria J. Carro (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2024
Chidambaram, Nitin
The University of Edinburgh

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 10 - 15 Feb. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Nitin Chidambaram (The University of Edinburgh)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algebraic geometry and physical mathematics
Invited by
Alessandro Giacchetto
Stay period
from 10-Feb-2025 until 15-Feb-2025
Colombo, Maria
EPF Lausanne
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Maria Colombo (EPF Lausanne)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Cook, William
University of Waterloo
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. William Cook (University of Waterloo)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Cuchiero, Christa
Universität Wien
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Christa Cuchiero (Universität Wien)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Stochastic portfolio theory, Large financial markets, Multiple yield curve modeling, Energy and electricity modeling
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Darmon, Henri
McGill University
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Henri Darmon (McGill University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algebraic number theory, with a special emphasis on elliptic curves, modular forms, and their associated L-functions.
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
David, Blei
Columbia University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Blei David (Columbia University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Machine learning and Bayesian statistics.
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
De Lellis, Camillo
IAS Princeton
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Camillo De Lellis (IAS Princeton)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
PDE, Geometrische Mass Theorie
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
De Loera, Jesús
University of California, Davis
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Jesús De Loera (University of California, Davis)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, Mathematical Foundations of Operations Research
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Degtiareva, Sofia
University of Cambridge

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 21 Sep. - 19 Dec. 2025
Title and affiliation
Ms. Sofia Degtiareva (University of Cambridge)
Invited by
Administration FIM
Stay period
from 21-Sep-2025 until 19-Dec-2025
Dey, Santanu
Georgia Institute of Technology
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Santanu Dey (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Mixed Integer Linear Programming, Mixed Integer Convex Programming, Global Optimization
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Didelez, Vanessa
Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Vanessa Didelez (Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Dörfler, Monika
Universität Wien
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Monika Dörfler (Universität Wien)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Drton, Mathias
Technische Universität München
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Mathias Drton (Technische Universität München)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Edidin, Dan
University of Missouri
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Dan Edidin (University of Missouri)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Eisenbrand, Friedrich
EPF Lausanne
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Friedrich Eisenbrand (EPF Lausanne)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Discrete optimization, in particular in algorithms and complexity, integer programming, geometry of numbers, and applied optimization
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Esnault, Hélène
Freie Universität Berlin
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Hélène Esnault (Freie Universität Berlin)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Fan, Jianqing
Princeton University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Jianqing Fan (Princeton University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
High-dimensional statistics, Machine Learning, financial econometrics, computational biology, biostatistics, graphical and network modeling, portfolio theory, high-frequency finance, time series.
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Farkas, Gavril
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 11 - 13 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Gavril Farkas (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rahul Pandharipande
Stay period
from 11-Mar-2025 until 13-Mar-2025
Fasel, Jean
Université Grenoble Alpes
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Jean Fasel (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Filbir, Frank-Dieter
Helmholtz Zentrum München
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Frank-Dieter Filbir (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Forey, Arthur
Université de Lille

HG G 41.1

+41 44 632 3593 14 - 25 Apr. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Arthur Forey (Université de Lille)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Emmanuel Kowalski
Stay period
from 14-Apr-2025 until 25-Apr-2025
Fournier-Facio, Federico
University of Cambridge

HG G 38.1

+41 44 632 3586 21 Apr. - 1 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Federico Fournier-Facio (University of Cambridge)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Simon Machado
Stay period
from 21-Apr-2025 until 1-May-2025
Franceschini, Federico
IAS Princeton

HG G 38.2

+41 44 632 9362 7 - 14 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Federico Franceschini (IAS Princeton)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Joaquim Serra
Stay period
from 7-Jan-2025 until 14-Jan-2025
Frigessi, Arnoldo
University of Oslo
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Arnoldo Frigessi (University of Oslo)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Galatius, Søren
University of Copenhagen
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Søren Galatius (University of Copenhagen)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Geisser, Thomas
Rikkyo University
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Thomas Geisser (Rikkyo University)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Ghoreishi, Dorsa
Saint Louis University
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Dorsa Ghoreishi (Saint Louis University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
González-Prieto, Ángel
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 6 - 17 Oct. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Ángel González-Prieto (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Administration FIM
Stay period
from 6-Oct-2025 until 17-Oct-2025
Graffeo, Michele
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 6 - 8 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Michele Graffeo (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA))
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rahul Pandharipande
Stay period
from 6-Mar-2025 until 8-Mar-2025
Greilhuber, Josef
Stanford University

HG G 38.1

+41 44 632 3586 15 Sep. - 19 Dec. 2025
Title and affiliation
Mr. Josef Greilhuber (Stanford University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Administration FIM
Stay period
from 15-Sep-2025 until 19-Dec-2025
Grohs, Philipp
Universität Wien
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Philipp Grohs (Universität Wien)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Guo, Zijian
Rutgers University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Zijian Guo (Rutgers University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
High-dimensional inference, causal inference, nonparametric inference, econometrics and applications to health and genetics data analysis.
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Henk, Martin
Technische Universität Berlin
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Martin Henk (Technische Universität Berlin)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Convex/Discrete Geometry and related fields
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Hernández, Camilo
University of Southern California

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 30 Mar. - 27 Apr. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Camilo Hernández (University of Southern California)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Contract theory, game theory, time inconsistency, financial mathematics, control theory, backward stochastic differential equations, and convex optimization.
Invited by
Dylan Possamaï
Stay period
from 30-Mar-2025 until 27-Apr-2025
Hesselholt, Lars
University of Copenhagen
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Lars Hesselholt (University of Copenhagen)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Hildebrand, Robert
Virginia Tech
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Robert Hildebrand (Virginia Tech)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Holden, Nina
New York University
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Nina Holden (New York University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Probability theory and mathematical physics (Liouville quantum gravity, Schramm-Loewner evolutions, random planar maps, and statistical physics)
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Hong, Jiho
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

HG G 41.2

+41 44 632 3594 17 - 21 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Jiho Hong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
partial differential equation, numerical analysis, inverse problem and uncertainty quantification
Invited by
Habib Ammari
Stay period
from 17-Mar-2025 until 21-Mar-2025
Hopkins, Michael
Harvard University
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Michael Hopkins (Harvard University)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Hoskins, Victoria
Radboud University
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Victoria Hoskins (Radboud University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algebraic and symplectic geometry
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Hoyois, Marc
Universität Regensburg
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Marc Hoyois (Universität Regensburg)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algebraic geometry, motivic homotopy theory, motivic cohomology
Homotopy theory, higher category theory, algebraic K-theory
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Hu, Shanshan
Technische Universität Berlin

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 26 Feb. - 5 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Ms. Shanshan Hu (Technische Universität Berlin)
Invited by
Rishabh Sunil Gvalani
Stay period
from 26-Feb-2025 until 5-Mar-2025
Hutchings, Michael
University of California, Berkeley

HG G 42.2

+41 44 632 3597 20 - 28 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Michael Hutchings (University of California, Berkeley)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Low Dimensional and Symplectic Topology and Geometry.
Invited by
Sobhan Seyfaddini
Stay period
from 20-Jun-2025 until 28-Jun-2025
Inversi, Marco
Universität Basel

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 11 - 12 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Mr. Marco Inversi (Universität Basel)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Hyunju Kwon
Stay period
from 11-Mar-2025 until 12-Mar-2025
Jaming, Philippe
Université de Bordeaux 1
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Philippe Jaming (Université de Bordeaux 1)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Kaibel, Volker
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Volker Kaibel (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Kanigowski, Adam
University of Maryland

HG G 39.1

+41 44 632 3587 15 Jan. - 20 Jul. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Adam Kanigowski (University of Maryland)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Teacher UZH
Stay period
from 15-Jan-2025 until 20-Jul-2025
Khan, Adeel
Academia Sinica
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Adeel Khan (Academia Sinica)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Cohomological methods in geometry
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Krahmer, Felix
Technische Universität München
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Felix Krahmer (Technische Universität München)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Grundlagen der Signal- und Bildverarbeitung
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Krymskii, Stanislav
Stanford University

HG G 38.1

+41 44 632 3586 15 Sep. - 19 Dec. 2025
Title and affiliation
Mr. Stanislav Krymskii (Stanford University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Administration FIM
Stay period
from 15-Sep-2025 until 19-Dec-2025
Kuijper, Josefien
Utrecht University
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Ms. Josefien Kuijper (Utrecht University)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Lee, Jon
University of Michigan
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Jon Lee (University of Michigan)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Nonlinear discrete optimization
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Leung, Denny Ho-Hon
National University of Singapore
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Denny Ho-Hon Leung (National University of Singapore)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Levina, Liza
University of Michigan
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Liza Levina (University of Michigan)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Lešnik, Davorin
University of Ljubljana

HG G 38.1

+41 44 632 3586 9 - 14 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Davorin Lešnik (University of Ljubljana)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Sara Kalisnik Hintz
Stay period
from 9-Mar-2025 until 14-Mar-2025
Liehr, Lukas
Universität Wien
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Lukas Liehr (Universität Wien)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Linderoth, Jeffrey
University of Wisconsin-Madison
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Jeffrey Linderoth (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Liu, Regina Y.
Rutgers University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Regina Y. Liu (Rutgers University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Lodi, Andrea
Cornell University
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Andrea Lodi (Cornell University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Loh, Po-Ling
University of Cambridge
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Po-Ling Loh (University of Cambridge)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
High-dimensional statistics, including structure recovery for graphical models and estimation/optimization in sparse settings.
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Luis, Vega
BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics

HG G 41.2

+41 44 632 3594 9 - 13 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Vega Luis (BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Joaquim Serra
Stay period
from 9-Mar-2025 until 13-Mar-2025
Macrina, Andrea
University College London

HG G 39.3

+41 44 632 3395 6 Jan. - 14 Feb. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Andrea Macrina (University College London)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Financial and Insurance Mathematics
Invited by
Patrick Cheridito
Stay period
from 6-Jan-2025 until 14-Feb-2025
Malinnikova, Eugenia
Stanford University
- - 15 Sep. - 19 Dec. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Eugenia Malinnikova (Stanford University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Svitlana Mayboroda
Stay period
from 15-Sep-2025 until 19-Dec-2025
Martin, Alexander
Technische Universität Nürnberg
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Alexander Martin (Technische Universität Nürnberg)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Mendelson, Shahar
The Australian National University

HG G 42.2

+41 44 632 3597 1 Sep. 2024 - 31 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Shahar Mendelson (The Australian National University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
High dimensional phenomena, focusing mainly on the connections between Statistical Learning Theory, Empirical Processes Theory and Asymptotic Geometric Analysis
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 1-Sep-2024 until 31-May-2025
Miranda, Eva
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- - 15 Sep. - 19 Dec. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Eva Miranda (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Ana Cannas da Silva
Stay period
from 15-Sep-2025 until 19-Dec-2025
Mixon, Dustin
The Ohio State University
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Dustin Mixon (The Ohio State University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Montgomery, Richard
University of Warwick

HG G 38.2

+41 44 632 9362 11 - 24 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Richard Montgomery (University of Warwick)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Benjamin Sudakov
Stay period
from 11-May-2025 until 24-May-2025
Morrow, Matthew
Université Paris-Saclay
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Matthew Morrow (Université Paris-Saclay)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algebraic K-theory, arithmetic geometry, (topological) cyclic homology, algebraic cycles, p-adic Hodge theory
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Müller, Klaus-Robert
Technische Universität Berlin
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Klaus-Robert Müller (Technische Universität Berlin)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Munk, Axel
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Axel Munk (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Nicolás, Pablo
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 1 - 30 Nov. 2025
Title and affiliation
Mr. Pablo Nicolás (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Administration FIM
Stay period
from 1-Nov-2025 until 30-Nov-2025
Nikolaus, Thomas
Universität Münster
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Thomas Nikolaus (Universität Münster)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Homotopy theory and Higher Algebra, Algebraic K-theory, Field theories and mathematical Physics. (topological) Hochschild homology and non-commutative geometry
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Oertel, TImm
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. TImm Oertel (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Oikhberg, Timur
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Timur Oikhberg (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Osuga, Kento
University of Tokyo

HG G 38.2

+41 44 632 9362 2 - 15 Feb. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Kento Osuga (University of Tokyo)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessandro Giacchetto
Stay period
from 2-Feb-2025 until 15-Feb-2025
Paat, Joseph
The University of British Columbia
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Joseph Paat (The University of British Columbia)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Pardon, John
Stony Brook University
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. John Pardon (Stony Brook University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Parmeshwar, Shrish
Université de Cergy-Pontoise

HG G 42.1

+41 44 632 6991 24 - 25 Feb. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Shrish Parmeshwar (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Hyunju Kwon
Stay period
from 24-Feb-2025 until 25-Feb-2025
Pauli, Sabrina
Technische Universität Darmstadt
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Sabrina Pauli (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Pineau, Ben
New York University
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Ben Pineau (New York University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Pokrovskiy, Alexey
University College London

HG G 38.2

+41 44 632 9362 11 - 24 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Alexey Pokrovskiy (University College London)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Benjamin Sudakov
Stay period
from 11-May-2025 until 24-May-2025
Pokutta, Sebastian
Technische Universität Berlin
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Sebastian Pokutta (Technische Universität Berlin)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, and Machine Learning and its applications
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Prasad, Rohil
University of California, Berkeley

HG G 39.3

+41 44 632 3395 8 - 23 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Rohil Prasad (University of California, Berkeley)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Dynamical systems, symplectic geometry, low-dimensional topology, and gauge theory
Invited by
Sobhan Seyfaddini
Stay period
from 8-Mar-2025 until 23-Mar-2025
Qu, Annie
University of California, Irvine
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Annie Qu (University of California, Irvine)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Rothenhäusler, Dominik
Stanford University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Dominik Rothenhäusler (Stanford University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Causal inference, heterogeneous data, high-dimensional statistics and graphical models
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Rothvoß, Thomas
University of Washington
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Thomas Rothvoß (University of Washington)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Discrete optimization, linear/integer programming and theoretical computer science
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Salanevich, Palina
Utrecht University
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Palina Salanevich (Utrecht University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Samworth, Richard J.
University of Cambridge
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Richard J. Samworth (University of Cambridge)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Sanità, Laura
Università Bocconi
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Laura Sanità (Università Bocconi)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Combinatorial Optimization, Approximation Algorithms, Network Design, Algorithmic Game Theory, Operations Research
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Sanz-Perela, Tomás
Universitat de Barcelona

HG G 41.2

+41 44 632 3594 9 - 13 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Tomás Sanz-Perela (Universitat de Barcelona)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Joaquim Serra
Stay period
from 9-Mar-2025 until 13-Mar-2025
Sawant, Anand
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Anand Sawant (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algebraic geometry
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Schikorra, Armin
University of Pittsburgh

HG G 39.4

+41 44 632 3590 22 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Armin Schikorra (University of Pittsburgh)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Francesca Da Lio
Stay period
from 22-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Schimpf, Maximilian
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

HG G 38.2

+41 44 632 9362 24 Feb. - 31 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Maximilian Schimpf (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rahul Pandharipande
Stay period
from 24-Feb-2025 until 31-May-2025
Schölkopf, Bernhard
Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf (Max-Planck-Institut für Intelligente Systeme)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Shafi, Qaasim
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 27 - 28 Feb. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Qaasim Shafi (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
enumerative algebraic geometry
Invited by
Rahul Pandharipande
Stay period
from 27-Feb-2025 until 28-Feb-2025
Shepherd, F. Bruce
The University of British Columbia
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. F. Bruce Shepherd (The University of British Columbia)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Optimization, algorithms, convex geometry and polyhedral combinatorics, graph theory
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Skutella, Martin
Technische Universität Berlin
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Martin Skutella (Technische Universität Berlin)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Srinivas, Vasudevan
SUNY - University at Buffalo
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Vasudevan Srinivas (SUNY - University at Buffalo)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Stokic, Maksim
Uppsala University

HG G 39.3

+41 44 632 3395 7 - 18 Apr. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Maksim Stokic (Uppsala University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Sobhan Seyfaddini
Stay period
from 7-Apr-2025 until 18-Apr-2025
Stolz, Bernadette
Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie

HG G 39.3

+41 44 632 3395 31 Mar. - 4 Apr. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Bernadette Stolz (Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Sara Kalisnik Hintz
Stay period
from 31-Mar-2025 until 4-Apr-2025
Takeda, Alex
Uppsala University

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 17 - 19 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Alex Takeda (Uppsala University)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
string topology, noncommutative geometry and symplectic topology
Invited by
Thomas Hans Willwacher
Stay period
from 17-Mar-2025 until 19-Mar-2025
Talbi, Mehdi
Université Paris-Cité

HG G 39.2

+41 44 632 3589 1 - 31 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Mehdi Talbi (Université Paris-Cité)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Stochastic control, mean field games, contract theory, numerical probability
Invited by
Dylan Possamaï
Stay period
from 1-May-2025 until 31-May-2025
Tamme, Georg
Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Georg Tamme (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Arithmetic geometry, algebraic K-theory
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Tóth, Árpád
Eötvös Loránd University

HG G 38.2

+41 44 632 9362 20 - 26 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Árpád Tóth (Eötvös Loránd University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Özlem Imamoglu
Stay period
from 20-Jan-2025 until 26-Jan-2025
Traub, Vera
Universität Bonn
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Vera Traub (Universität Bonn)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Combinatorial optimization and approximation algorithms
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Troitsky, Vladimir
University of Alberta
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Vladimir Troitsky (University of Alberta)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Functional analysis, Operator Theory, Banach spaces, Banach lattices, Positive Operators, Invariant Subspace Problem, etc.
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Tseng, Hsian-Hua
The Ohio State University

HG G 41.2

+41 44 632 3594 17 - 22 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Hsian-Hua Tseng (The Ohio State University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rahul Pandharipande
Stay period
from 17-Mar-2025 until 22-Mar-2025
Uhler, Caroline
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- - 11 - 13 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Caroline Uhler (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Alessio Figalli
Stay period
from 11-Jun-2025 until 13-Jun-2025
Vanneuville, Hugo
Université Grenoble Alpes

HG G 42.1

+41 44 632 6991 18 - 21 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Hugo Vanneuville (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Percolation theory
Invited by
Vincent Tassion
Stay period
from 18-Mar-2025 until 21-Mar-2025
Vargas Koch, Laura
RWTH Aachen
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Laura Vargas Koch (RWTH Aachen)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Algorithmic game theory and discrete mathematics
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Vasy, András
Stanford University

HG G 39.6

+41 44 632 6967 17 - 20 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. András Vasy (Stanford University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Peter Hintz
Stay period
from 17-Mar-2025 until 20-Mar-2025
Virk, Žiga
University of Ljubljana

HG G 38.1

+41 44 632 3586 9 - 14 Mar. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Žiga Virk (University of Ljubljana)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Topology and geometry
Invited by
Sara Kalisnik Hintz
Stay period
from 9-Mar-2025 until 14-Mar-2025
von Sachs, Rainer
Université catholique de Louvain
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Rainer von Sachs (Université catholique de Louvain)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Vygen, Jens
Universität Bonn
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Jens Vygen (Universität Bonn)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Combinatorial optimization, Chip design
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Wainwright, Martin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- - 25 Jun. 2025 - 27 Jun. 2024
Title and affiliation
Prof. Martin Wainwright (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
High-dimensional statistics, Graphical models and machine learning, Statistics and privacy, Non-parametric statistics, Distributed algorithms and optimization
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2024
Wellershoff, Matthias
University of Maryland
- - 5 - 9 May 2025
Title and affiliation
Dr. Matthias Wellershoff (University of Maryland)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Rima Alaifari
Stay period
from 5-May-2025 until 9-May-2025
Weltge, Stefan
Technische Universität München
- - 8 - 12 Sep. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Stefan Weltge (Technische Universität München)
Personal homepage
Fields of interest
Combinatorial optimization, linear & integer programming, and polyhedral combinatorics.
Invited by
Afonso Bandeira
Stay period
from 8-Sep-2025 until 12-Sep-2025
Wickelgren, Kirsten
Duke University
- - 13 - 17 Jan. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Kirsten Wickelgren (Duke University)
Personal homepage
Stay period
from 13-Jan-2025 until 17-Jan-2025
Yu, Bin
University of California, Berkeley
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Bin Yu (University of California, Berkeley)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Yuan, Ming
Columbia University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Ming Yuan (Columbia University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Zhang, Cunhui
Rutgers University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Cunhui Zhang (Rutgers University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
Zhou, Harrison Huibin
Yale University
- - 25 - 27 Jun. 2025
Title and affiliation
Prof. Harrison Huibin Zhou (Yale University)
Personal homepage
Invited by
Nicolai Meinshausen
Stay period
from 25-Jun-2025 until 27-Jun-2025
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