Doctoral exam of Blanka Horvath

Blanka Horvath successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled: "Robust methods for the SABR model and related processes: analysis, asymptotics and numerics". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Vladimir Kazeev
Vladimir Kazeev successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled: "Quantized tensor-structured finite elements for second-order elliptic PDEs in two dimensions". Congratulations!
Evelina Viada: inaugural lecture

On 24 September, Prof. Evelina Viada gave her inaugural lecture entitled: "Numbers and equations". She has been an assistant professor at the Department since November 2014.
Rico Zenklusen: inaugural lecture

On 15 September, Prof. Rico Zenklusen gave his inaugural lecture entitled "Mit kombinatorischer Optimierung zur Nadel im Heuhaufen". He has been an assistant professor at the Department since April 2015.
D-MATH and D-PHYS welcome freshmen

At this year's first-year students event the Departments of Mathematics and Physics welcomed their new students of the degree programmes Mathematics, Physics and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE).