Master Statistics

The core areas "Statistical Modelling", "Applied Statistics" and "Mathematical Statistics", the foundations are laid for both theoretical developments and practical applications. This knowledge is specialized and deepened in the "subject-related electives". Finally, the "free electives" allow individual extensions, e.g. to get to know an application area or theoretical method better. In the "Statistics Lab" the acquired knowledge is applied to a real consulting case.
The Master's thesis is the conclusion of the course of studies and provides the ability to work independently, in a structured and scientific manner.
Language of instruction
Credits | duration
90 ECTS | 1.5 years
Academic title
Master of Science ETH in Statistics
Qualifying disciplines
All fields of study with a sufficient foundation in mathematics, statistics and computer science.
Requirement profile
Detailed information
ETH Zurich
Department of Mathematics
Rämistrasse 101
HG G 15.2