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Abramyan, Semen
HG FO 27.6
+41 44 632 5456
Afambo, Nitya
HG G 50.2
Ambrosioni, Giovanni
HG G 28
+41 44 632 6303
Andritsch, Konstantin
HG J 16.2
+41 44 632 4097
Anic, Jelena
HG E 64
+41 44 632 5547
Armegioiu, Victor
HG G 54.1
+41 44 633 9431
Aydin, Ata Deniz
HG G 27.1
Barandun, Silvio
HG G 53.2
+41 44 632 3462
Beretta, Filippo
HG GO 47.2
+41 44 633 9356
Bertolini, Susanna
HG F 27.4
+41 44 632 2238
Bradac, Domagoj
HG J 65
+41 44 632 8509
Brailovskaia, Lidia
HG G 49.1
+41 44 632 3444
Brivio, Simone
HG G 56.1
+41 44 632 3459
Bruckmeier, Sabrina
HG G 21.3
+41 44 632 0441
Busenhart, Chris
HG G 28
+41 44 632 4354
Canova, Niklas Enrico
HG FO 27.9
+41 44 632 3468
Chevalley, Mathieu
Christoph, Micha
HG J 65
+41 44 632 8706
Colombo, Giacomo
HG F 27.1
+41 44 632 5859
Crowell, Robert Alexander
HG G 46
+41 44 632 2311
Depouilly, Baptiste
HG J 14.1
+41 44 632 8931
Di Noia, Antonio
Dmitriev, Daniil
HG G 21.2
+41 44 633 9240
Drakengren, Lycka
HG J 14.4
+41 44 632 3695
Feusi, Jeremy
HG J 14.4
+41 44 632 3695
Florit i Simon, Enric
HG FO 28.6
+41 44 632 8290
Fries, Anya
HG G 11
Gagnebin, Antoine
HG E 64
+41 44 632 3419
Gaia, Filippo
HG FO 27.9
+41 44 632 3468
Gamella Martin, Juan
HG G 18
+41 44 632 5319
Gatti, Selim
HG G 47.1
+41 44 632 3428
Gavrilopoulos, Georgios
HG G 10.1
+41 44 633 2079
Gehrunger, Tim
HG J 14.6
+41 44 632 3403
Gianocca, Matilde
HG E 64
+41 44 632 3419
Gonen Cohen, Segev
HG J 16.4
+41 44 632 2392
Graber, David
HG G 54.1
+41 44 633 9431
Grützner, Matthias
HG E 65.2
Grund, Dana
HG J 48
+41 44 632 6965
He, Yanchen
HG J 47
+41 44 632 4320
Herde, Maximilian
HG J 49
+41 44 632 7643
Holovchak, Anastasiia
HG G 11
+41 44 633 2310
Hou, Songyan
HG G 50.2
+41 44 632 2293
Hunter, Zach
HG G 22.2
+41 44 632 9759
Iribar Lopez, Aitor
HG J 14.4
+41 44 632 3695
Jaeck, Victor
HG J 16.1
+41 44 632 3136
Jiang, Minhui
HG G 11
+41 44 633 2310
Jin, Zhihan
HG J 64
+41 44 632 7087
Joergensen, Martina
HG GO 68.2
+41 44 632 3662
Kaufmann, Reto
HG G 28
+41 44 632 3345
Kireeva, Anastasia
HG G 21.2
+41 44 633 9240
Koch, Nicolas
HG G 18
Kolosov, Evgeny
HG GO 47.2
+41 44 633 9356
Kosche, Thea
HG J 48
+41 44 632 6965
Kotlov, Benjamin Nathaniel
HG GO 47.2
+41 44 633 9356
Krekov, Dmitrii
HG FO 27.6
+41 44 632 5456
Krsek, Daniel
HG G 47.1
+41 44 632 3428
Lan, Tian
HG F 27.4
+41 44 632 3467
Lingsch, Levi
HG J 49
+41 44 632 7643
Liu, Gemei
HG F 28.3
+41 44 632 3445
Londschien, Malte
HG G 18
+41 44 633 2911
Lucca, Kevin
HG G 21.1
+41 44 633 8192
Ma, Tengyingzi
HG G 32.2
+41 44 632 0394
Marini, Antonio
HG GO 47.2
+41 44 633 9356
Milojevic, Aleksa
HG G 22.2
+41 44 632 9759
Moerschell, Therese
HG FO 27.7
+41 44 632 3442
Moser, Aaron
HG F 27.1
+41 44 632 5859
Mousavi, Sepehr
HG G 53.1
+41 44 633 8227
Naccarato, Francesco
HG J 16.5
+41 44 632 2547
Nastl, Vivian Yvonne
HG G 18
Nava, Andrea
Nizic-Nikolac, Petar
HG G 21.1
+41 44 633 8192
Noebel, Christian
HG G 22.3
+41 44 632 9654
Ofenheimer Krach, Florian
HG G 46
+41 44 632 2311
Oppliger, Geraldine
HG G 10.1
+41 44 633 2079
Orriols Gimenez, Gerard
HG F 27.1
+41 44 632 5859
Ottiger, Timo
HG G 22.3
+41 44 632 9654
Pacati, Alberto
HG F 28.3
+41 44 632 3445
Peters, Pieter-Bart
HG E 64
+41 44 632 3419
Plati, Riccardo
HG F 28.3
+41 44 632 3445
Radhakrishnan, Ritvik
HG E 66.2
+41 44 633 9358
Raonic, Bogdan
HG J 46
+41 44 632 6254
Rodrigues, Marco
HG G 46
+41 44 632 2311
Rodriguez Polo, Mateo
HG G 50.2
+41 44 632 2293
Roedder, Almut Magdalena
HG G 21.1
+41 44 633 8192
Rohner, Fabian
HG G 56.2
+41 44 632 5566
Rohner, Tobias
HG J 46
+41 44 632 6572
Rossato, Chiara
HG G 49.1
+41 44 632 3444
Rueff, Liora
HG G 53.2
+41 44 632 3112
Saengkyongam, Sorawit
HG G 11
+41 44 633 2310
Sakhanda, Daria
HG G 49.1
+41 44 632 3444
Salib, Anthony
HG F 27.4
+41 44 632 2238
Savinson, Benjamin
HG J 48
+41 44 632 6965
Scheidegger, Cyrill
HG G 18
+41 44 632 7063
Schillinger, Maybritt
HG G 18
+41 44 632 7063
Schlagenhauf, Dominik
HG FO 28.7
+41 44 632 8697
Schur, Felix
HG G 11
+41 44 632 5777
Schwarz, Silvan
HG G 27.1
Serraille, Baptiste
HG J 14.1
+41 44 632 8903
Sola, Marin
HG G 18
+41 44 632 7063
Stucker, Thomas
HG G 27.1
Tamayo-Rios, Matthew
HG E 62.1
+41 44 632 0401
Tonnon, Wouter
HG J 45
+41 44 633 9379
Trifa, Ibrahim
HG J 14.1
+41 44 632 8903
Uhlmann, Alexander
HG G 53.2
+41 44 632 3449
Ulmer, Markus
HG G 18
+41 44 632 7063
Urech, David
HG J 16.4
+41 44 632 2392
Van den Heuvel, Bram
HG G 10.1
+41 44 633 2079
Vego, Ana Marija
HG GO 68.2
+41 44 632 3662
Weiss, Moritz
HG G 32.2
+41 44 632 0394
Yu, Tianwei
HG J 45
+41 44 633 9379
Zegarac, Ana
HG G 28
+41 44 632 4354
Zurbuchen, Beat
HG G 66.4
+41 44 632 8910
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