
From 11 to 22 March 2019, the exhibition goMATH – going the MATH way in the ETH Zurich main hall presented the portraits of female mathematicians, their research and their professional life. In addition, it also showed self-made objects from school classes that were submitted as part of a Maths for Aliens competition.

Portraits of women scientists

Portraits of female mathematicians

Short portraits of female mathematicians that show various aspects of their lives. They talk about their fascination with mathematics, as well as about the twists and turns they have experienced in the course of their careers.

Profiles of professional mathematicians

Portraits of professional female mathematicians

These portraits of professional women demonstrate the di­verse range of job opportunities a degree in mathematics can open up. Thanks to the broad sco­pe of their education and their capacity for ana­lytical thinking, mathematicians are able to thrive in all manner of fields.

Video portraits of female mathematicians

Video portraits of female mathematicians

Only a few female mathematicians pursue an academic career after graduating. Some female researchers who have taken this step now work at the Department. In video portraits they explain how they found their way into mathematics.


Objects of the mathematics competition

Communicating mathematical concepts without using signs and symbols. This was the task with which Swiss school classes were faced as part of the mathematics competition (German).


goMATH exhibition - introduction board

Impressions of the goMATH exhibition in the main hall of ETH Zurich.

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