Doctoral exam of Ignacio Labarca

Ignacio Labarca successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Coupled boundary-volume integral equations for wave propagation". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Tandri Gauksson

Tandri Gauksson successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Adversarial perturbations: from classification to inverse problems". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Andreas Schiller

Andreas Schiller successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Transient and frequency-domain simulation of mixed electronic-ionic charge transport in thin-film devices". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Tommaso Botta

Tommaso Botta successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Stable envelopes of Nakajima and bow varieties: Geometry, combinatorics, and 3d mirror symmetry". Congratulations!
Johanna Ziegel newly appointed professor

We would like to welcome our new faculty member, Professor Johanna Ziegel. She was appointed by the ETH Board in May 2023 and took up her position on 1 January 2024.