Walter Saxer Prize 2025

The 2025 Walter Saxer Insurance Prize goes to Giulio Carassai for his Master's thesis. Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Robert Crowell

Robert Crowell successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "McKean--Vlasov SDEs: New results on existence of weak solutions and on propagation of chaos". Congratulations!
Svitlana Mayboroda elected to the Leopoldina

We are delighted to announce that Professor Svitlana Mayboroda has been elected to the Leopoldina, Germany's National Academy of Sciences.
Richard Pink: farewell lecture

On 20 February, Richard Pink gave his farewell lecture entitled: "Living in a non-archimedean world, and other mathematical metaphors". He has been a full professor at the Department since 1999.
Doctoral exam of Chris Busenhart

Chris Busenhart successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Geometric aspects to certain diophantine equations, maximal circular point sets and investigation on the graph of pairwise sums and products". Congratulations!