VMP Research Group Event

Each year the student association VMP organizes the Research Group Event that brings together students of mathematics and physics with doctoral students of the Departments of Mathematics and Physics.

The event took place on 18 November 2015 and offered an opportunity for students to get to know the work of doctoral students at the Departments and to learn about their current research projects. The doctoral students were also available to answer questions regarding semester projects, Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. Over thirty doctoral students took part and presented their projects on posters, some of them even supplemented with experiments. After a very brief introduction of the different research groups, the students could talk to the representatives of their field of interest in a fair-like environment.

With more than hundred students the event was a great success. The students appreciated the exchange with the doctoral students and maybe some have already decided to continue their studies with a doctoral thesis at the ETH Zurich.

Student association VMP (German, Verein der Mathematik und Physik Studierenden an der ETH Zürich)

Students in discussion
Doctoral students in a dialog with students (Photo: VMP)
Event location full with people
The event location packed with people (Photo: VMP)
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