2016 VMP Assistant Award

The Mathematicians and Physicists Association (VMP) has awarded the 2016 VMP Assistant Award to six student teaching assistants from the Departments of Mathematics and Physics.

Students of the Bachelor's degree programmes of mathematics and physics have honoured the following assistants:

  • Anna Bot
  • Kevin Huguenin-Dumittan
  • Simon Jantschgi
  • Philipp Kammerlander
  • Paolo Molignini
  • Oliver Rietmann

The award ceremony took place on the occasion of the end of term reception on 6 December 2016.

The Assistant Award was first launched in 2013 by the student association VMP (German) as a recognition of the assistant's performance in giving exercise classes.

Every Spring and Autumn Semester the students determine the winners from a pool of two hundred student teaching assistants.

The students assess their teaching assistants in terms of satisfaction with the lessons, correction of the exercises and how competently they handle questions.

Enlarged view: VMP Assistant Award winners
From left to right: Manfred Sigrist (Director of Studies Physics) / Award winners: Anna Bot, Kevin Huguenin-Dumittan, Simon Jantschgi, Oliver Rietmann, Paolo Molignini / VMP members: Jasmin Allenspach, Bibiana Prinoth, Alessandro Lägeler
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