Doctoral exam of Felix Hensel

Felix Hensel successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Stability conditions and Lagrangian cobordisms". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Carolina Urzúa Torres
Carolina Urzúa Torres successfully passed her oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Operator preconditioning for Galerkin boundary element methods on screens". Congratulations!
Paul Embrechts: farewell lecture

On 30 May, Professor Paul Embrechts gave his farewell lecture entitled: "January 31, 1953, and September 11, 2001: Living with Risk". He has been professor at the Department since November 1989.
Doctoral exam of Nina Kamcev
Nina Kamcev successfully passed her oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Colourings of graphs and words". Congratulations!
2018 Graduation Ceremony

On Friday 25 May, Mathematics, Statistics and Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) students celebrated the completion of their studies together with their family and friends.