Siddhartha Mishra: 2019 ICIAM Collatz Prize
Siddhartha Mishra is the winner of the 2019 ICIAM Collatz Prize which is one of the most prestigious prizes awarded in applied mathematics.
Siddhartha Mishra is professor at the Seminar for Applied Mathematics (SAM) and an internationally recognized expert in the design of efficient numerical algorithms for solving non-linear partial differential equations.
The external page International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) has decided to award the ICIAM Collatz Prize to Siddhartha Mishra at its forthcoming Congress in 2019. The prize committee acknowledges Siddhartha Mishra to be an ingenious designer of excellent numerical methods. "Siddhartha Mishra is devoted to combining rigorous mathematics with efficient computations that are based on a deep theoretical knowledge and insight into real- world problems," says the prize committee.