Rico Zenklusen: ERC Consolidator Grant

Rico Zenklusen is one of ten ETH Zurich researchers that receive an ERC Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Their projects are funded with around two million Swiss francs each.
Doctoral exam of Mads Bisgaard

Mads Bisgaard successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Quantitative aspects of Lagrangian cobordism theory and Mather-Floer Theory". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Christina Heinze-Deml
Christina Heinze-Deml successfully passed her oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Computational causality and learning from partitioned data". Congratulations!
Doctoral exam of Simon Häberli
Simon Häberli successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Satake compactification of analytic Drinfeld modular varieties". Congratulations!
Dietmar Salamon: farewell lecture

On 22 November, Professor Dietmar Salamon gave his farewell lecture entitled: "Life in the search of truth and beauty". He has been professor at the Department since November 1998.