Scientifica 2019: Mathematical Sightseeing

Imagine you are visiting a city that spreads over both sides of a river and its river islands. How can you explore all sights while crossing each bridge over the river exactly and only once? The Department of Mathematics presented this combinatorial problem in several workshops at this year’s Scientifica.

Last weekend, the Scientifica visitors had the opportunity to experience the abstract world of graph theory in four one-hour workshops and follow in the footsteps of the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler.

Scientifica mathematics workshop
Workshop participants with the tutors in the background

Doctoral student Claude Renaux, math teaching student Michael Näf, and mathematics student Lukas Böke guided the visitors through the workshops. On the question of what motivates them to give these workshops they all agree: on the one hand it is the unpredictable that attracts them, because they only get to know their audience shortly before the beginning of the workshop. All age groups are represented, from children to adults. And on the other hand, of course, there is mathematics, their passion. Teaching mathematics is close to their hearts, and they want to fascinate the audience by introducing them into a new and abstract world of ideas.

Scientifica mathematics workshop
Malenka and her father in the graph theory workshop

And what about the audience? Did they enjoy the mathematical way of thinking? Malenka and her father chose the mathematics workshop out of many options at the Scientifica. When asked for the reason of this choice Malenka stated that she had always been interested in mathematics, and that the title "Mathematical Sightseeing" sounded promising to her. Together with the other workshop participants they analysed the bridge problem and developed some basic mathematical statements in order to solve this fascinating and historical problem.

The workshops were developed in collaboration with external pageMathscope which is based at the University of Geneva.

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