Winners of the Flatlander competition

Imagine two-dimensional beings called flatlanders. What does their universe look like? Do flatlanders live on a flat surface or are there other surfaces on which they could move around? School classes participating in our competition have had to come up with an answer to those questions and create an object that represents their idea of a flatlander universe.
Doctoral exam of Matthias Wellershoff

Matthias Wellershoff successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Unknown Pleasures: Phase retrieval for time-frequency and time-scale structured data". Congratulations!
Solving problems with intuition

In her research as a number theorist, Sarah Zerbes focuses on one of the oldest – but also most topical – branches of mathematics. Her work is closely tied to one of the great open mathematical problems, the solution for which carries a prize of one million dollars.
Doctoral exam of Nicolas Müller
Nicolas Müller successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Cohen-Lenstra heuristics for class modules of certain Drinfeld modules". Congratulations!
New lecture series in honour of Alice Roth

On 16 March, the Alice Roth Lectures took place for the first time. With this newly launched series, the Department of Mathematics honours women with outstanding achievements in mathematics.