Afonso Bandeira: Prémio António Aniceto Monteiro

The Portuguese Mathematical Society and Unilabs have awarded the first Prémio António Aniceto Monteiro to Afonso Bandeira.

Enlarged view: Afonso Bandeira

Afonso Bandeira is a professor at the Department in the field of mathematics of data science. He has received the award for his research that "combines tools from probability theory, theoretical statistics and convex optimisation to develop innovative ideas that have revolutionised and advanced the field."

The António Aniceto Monteiro Prize – the result of a partnership between the Portuguese Mathematical Society and Unilabs – is awarded to mathematicians of Portuguese nationality who are under the age of 40 and have made a significant contribution to the development of the subject. The Prize is a tribute to the mathematician with the same name, who was one of the founders of the Portuguese Mathematical Society and Portugaliae Mathematica.

The jury for the first edition consisted of a number of renowned mathematicians: André Neves (University of Chicago), Georgia Benkart (University of Wisconsin), Irene Fonseca (Carnegie Mellon University), Marcelo Viana (IMPA) and Martin Hairer (Imperial College).

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