Mikaela Iacobelli: newly appointed Associate Professor
We are very pleased to announce that Professor Mikaela Iacobelli was appointed Associate Professor of Mathematics at the meeting of the ETH Board in March 2023.

Professor Mikaela Iacobelli (*1987), currently Adjunct Professor at the Department, has been appointed as Associate Professor of Mathematics.
Mikaela Iacobelli conducts research in the area of mathematical physics with the aim of using mathematical methods to solve physical problems. She is internationally acknowledged as an expert on the Vlasov-Poisson system. Mikaela Iacobelli’s publications have appeared in leading academic journals. She is a popular lecturer who is particularly dedicated to teaching and undertakes duties relating to academic self-government. Mikaela Iacobelli also serves on various committees and panels. In addition, she takes a very active part in the promotion, management and dissemination of science at various levels.