Meike Akveld appointed Adjunct Professor

We are very pleased to announce that Senior Scientest Dr Meike Akveld was appointed Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at the meeting of the ETH Board on 10/11 July 2024. The promotion is effective from 1 August 2024.

Meike Akveld appointed Adjunct Professor

Meike Akveld (*1972), former Senior Scientist at the Department of Mathematics, has been appointed Adjunct Professor of Mathematics.

Meike Akveld is an internationally acclaimed mathematician who has worked on travelling wave theory, symplectic geometry, scheduling theory and knot theory. In recent years she has been very active in and committed to the research areas of didactics, educational sciences, e-learning, outreach and developing young talent. Meike Akveld has won several awards for her excellent teaching.

external pageETH Board, 12.7.2024

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