Peter Hintz receives SNSF Consolidator Grant

Congratulations to our professor Peter Hintz. He is one of the four candidates from ETH Zurich who has received a Consolidators Grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Across Switzerland, the SNSF awarded 19 SNSF Consolidator Grants to researchers from nine institutions.

by Editorial team ETH and D-MATH
Peter Hintz receives SNFS Consolidator Grant

Peter Hintz focuses on mathematical methods in physics. In his Consolidator project, he will further develop mathematical tools for constructing solutions to equations known as hyperbolic partial differential equations. These can also be used to analyse Albert Einstein's field equations. They are at the heart of his general theory of relativity. Among other things, the new methods should contribute to a better understanding of black holes and the propagation of waves, including gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves, in their vicinity.

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