Doctoral exam of Philippe von Wurstemberger

Philippe von Wurstemberger successfully passed his oral doctoral thesis examination entitled: "Overcoming the curse of dimensionality for PDEs: from conventional numerics and nonlinear Monte Carlo to deep learning". Congratulations!

by Sara Uberi-Papapietro
  • Examiner: Prof. Patrick Cheridito (D-MATH)
  • Co-examiner: Prof. Arnulf Jentzen (Universität Münster)
  • Co-examiner: Prof. Sotirios Sabanis (University of Edinburgh)

Sotirios Sabanis, Josef Teichmann, Philippe von Wurstemberger, Arnulf Jentzen, Patrick Cheridito
Sotirios Sabanis, Josef Teichmann, Philippe von Wurstemberger, Arnulf Jentzen and Patrick Cheridito
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