Svitlana Mayboroda new director of ETH-ITS

Svitlana Mayboroda will take over as director of the Institute for Theoretical Studies (ETH-ITS) on 1 June 2025. She has been Professor of Mathematics at the department since 1 August 2023.

by ETH Zurich and D-MATH Communications
Svitlana Mayboroda new director ETH-ITS

Svitlana Mayborodas research areas are geometric measure theory, partial differential equations and analysis. Her research has broad applications in condensed matter physics, cold atoms systems and in various semiconductor materials and devices. One of her most important projects, for which she collaborates with astrophysicists, is the development of a mathematical theory that will allow them to measure and better understand the structure and dynamics of the universe.


The Institute for Theoretical Studies is an interdisciplinary centre for theoretical sciences which focuses on mathematics, theoretical physics, theoretical Computer Science and related fields for visiting scientists and young researchers. Organisationally, the ETH-ITS is assigned to the Vice President for Research. The institute, which was established on 1 June 2013, is funded by donations from the Walter Haefner Foundation and Max Rössler.

Svitlana Mayboroda will succeed ETH-ITS founding director Giovanni Felder (2013-2019) and Rahul Pandharipande (2019-2025) both members of the departement.

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