Prof. Dr. Richard Pink

Prof. Dr.  Richard Pink

Prof. Dr. Richard Pink

Full Professor at the Department of Mathematics

ETH Zürich

Professur für Mathematik

HG G 65.2

Rämistrasse 101

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Richard Pink has been Full Professor (since October 1999).

He was born on July 29, 1959 in Karlsruhe/Germany. In 1979 he began to study mathematics in Karlsruhe and obtained his first degree (Diplom) in 1985 in Bonn. After a year as a visiting student in Princeton he became assistant in Bonn, where he finished his Ph. D. in 1989. Soon afterwards in 1991 he achieved the habilitation, and during the following three years he held a Heisenberg research fellowship. After several extended visits to Utrecht, Harvard, Kyoto, and Tokyo he became full professor in Mannheim in 1994, where he remained until 1999.

The research interests of Richard Pink lie in different parts of algebra and number theory. Contributions to the arithmetic of Shimura varieties and the compactification of moduli spaces grew out of his Dissertation and his Habilitation under G. Harder in Bonn. During the same time he began to study compatible systems of Galois representations, particularly in the case of abelian varieties. From these interests he has also been led to questions of algebraic groups and, recently, of motives over function fields. His motivation in the latter area includes, in addition to obtaining basic structural results on function fields, the hope todevelop ideas which can refertilize the arithmetic of number fields.

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