Talks in mathematical physics


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Autumn Semester 2020

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
1 October 2020
Stefano D'Alesio
ETH Zurich

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Title Derived representation schemes and Nakajima quiver varieties
Speaker, Affiliation Stefano D'Alesio, ETH Zurich
Date, Time 1 October 2020, 15:15-16:15
Location HG G 43
Abstract (hybrid talk: presence and Zoom) Zoom link In this talk, we introduce a family of derived representation schemes associated with quivers, which may be thought of as derived versions of Nakajima quiver varieties. We exhibit an explicit cofibrant replacement for these partial preprojective algebras as a non-commutative complete intersection so that the associated derived representation scheme is the corresponding object in the world of (commutative) geometry, the Koszul complex. By doing so we link the classical result of flatness of the moment map for representations of quivers with the vanishing condition for higher representation homologies. By considering Euler characteristics of the above-mentioned derived representation schemes we obtain some integral formulas of the same flavour of other formulas present in the mathematical and physical literature since a few years, such as Jeffrey-Kirwan's residue formulas or integral formulas for Nekrasov partition functions of supersymmetric quiver gauge theories.
Derived representation schemes and Nakajima quiver varietiesread_more
HG G 43
22 October 2020
Thomas Gemünden
ETH Zurich

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Title Non-Abelian Orbifold Theory
Speaker, Affiliation Thomas Gemünden, ETH Zurich
Date, Time 22 October 2020, 15:15-16:15
Location Zoom
Abstract In this talk, we will discuss the theory of holomorphic extensions of non-abelian orbifold vertex operator algebras. We will give a brief overview of the concepts and motivations of vertex operator algebras and their modules. Then we will construct the module category of non-abelian orbifold vertex operator algebras and classify their holomorphic extensions. If time permits we will prove that there exist holomorphic vertex operator algebras at central charge 72 that cannot be constructed as a holomorphic extension of a cyclic orbifold of a lattice vertex operator algebra.
Non-Abelian Orbifold Theoryread_more
26 November 2020
Drazen Adamovic
University of Zagreb

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Title Some constructions of vertex algebras and their modules in LCFT
Speaker, Affiliation Drazen Adamovic, University of Zagreb
Date, Time 26 November 2020, 15:15-16:15
Location Zoom
Abstract We shall first review some basic constructions in the representation theory of C_2 cofinite VOAs in LCFT. They carry the structure of certain extensions of non-rational Virasoro vertex algebras. Next we shall discuss our recent realizations of affine vertex algebras V_k(sl(2)), and show how one can obtain realization of their logarithmic modules. We will also present a properties of a family of logarithmic VOAs, called the R^(p) algebras, present their different realizations and prove certain interesting conjectures related to them (this part is based on recent joint work with T. Creutzig, N. Genra and J. Yang). Some applications in the representation theory of affine vertex algebras will be also discussed. Zoom-Link: The password is the name of the largest of the sporadic simple finite groups: Mon****
Some constructions of vertex algebras and their modules in LCFTread_more
3 December 2020
Yi-Zhi Huang
Rutgers University

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Title Representation theory of vertex operator algebras and orbifold conformal field theory
Speaker, Affiliation Yi-Zhi Huang, Rutgers University
Date, Time 3 December 2020, 15:15-16:15
Location Zoom
Abstract In this talk, I will discuss a program to develop orbifold conformal field theory using the representation theory of vertex operator algebras. The construction and existence of twisted modules and the definition and basic properties of twisted intertwining operators will be reviewed briefly. The conjectural properties, including the associativity, commutativity and modular invariance of twisted intertwining operators will be formulated explicitly. The main conjectures in orbifold conformal field theory will be stated precisely. Some thoughts on the further development of orbifold conformal field theory will be discussed. Zoom-Link: The password is the name of the largest of the sporadic simple finite groups: Mon****
Representation theory of vertex operator algebras and orbifold conformal field theoryread_more
17 December 2020
Damien Calaque
Université de Montpellier

Talks in Mathematical Physics

Title Moduli of quiver varieties and relative critical loci
Speaker, Affiliation Damien Calaque, Université de Montpellier
Date, Time 17 December 2020, 15:15-16:15
Location Zoom
Abstract In this talk I will describe a procedure that allows to construct lagrangian subvarieties inside symplectic quiver varieties. We will see how this works on the example of the Hilbert scheme of points of the plane. I will also explain the derived geometric construction that led to this procedure, and discuss (relative) Calabi-Yau structures, as well as Ginzburg algebras, and moduli of objects. This is a joint work with Tristan Bozec and Sarah Scherotzke.
Moduli of quiver varieties and relative critical lociread_more
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