Doctoral examinations


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Archive 2016

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
22 January 2016
Micha Wasem
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Norbert Hungerbühler
Event Details
Convex Integration, Isometric Extensions & Approximation of Curves
HG G 19.1
22 February 2016
Chenchen Zhu
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann
Event Details
High Throughput Approaches to Study Molecular Pathways from Genotype to Phenotype
HG G 19.1
29 February 2016
Sebastian Herrmann
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Martin Schweizer
Event Details
Beyond Black and Scholes: Uncertainty Aversion, Delta-Vega Hedging, and Bubbles and Crashes
HG G 19.2
12 April 2016
Igor Uljarevic
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Paul Biran
Event Details
A Symplectic Homology Theory for Automorphisms of Liouville Domains"
HG G 19.1
15 April 2016
Jonas Lührmann
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Michael Struwe
Event Details
Deterministic and Probabilistic Global Existence Results for Nonlinear Wave Equations
HG G 19.2
25 April 2016
David Stefanovits
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Mario Wüthrich
Event Details
Robust Calibration in Yield Curve Modelling
HG G 19.1
26 April 2016
Robin Sebastian Krom
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Salamon
Event Details
The Donaldson Geometric Flow
HG G 19.1
26 April 2016
Georg Grafendorfer
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Josef Teichmann
Event Details
Infinite-Dimensional Affine Processes
HG E 1.1
3 May 2016
Xinyi Li
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Alain-Sol Sznitman
Event Details
On Large Deviations and Disconnection for Random Walk and Random Interlacements
HG G 19.2
3 May 2016
Katharina Kusejko
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Norbert Hungerbühler
Event Details
Poncelet's Theorem in finite projective planes and beyond
HG G 19.1
11 May 2016
Luca Galimberti
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Michael Struwe
Event Details
Bubbling phenomena for prescribed curvature problems in conformal geometry
ML H 37.1
11 May 2016
Edgars Jakobsons
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Paul Embrechts
Event Details
Dependence Uncertainty Bounds and Optimization of Aggregate Risk
HG F 26.1
17 May 2016
Daniel Korandi
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Benjamin Sudakov
Event Details
Some Extremal Problems About Saturation and Random Graphs
HG G 19.1
30 May 2016
Laura Scarabosio
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair
Event Details
Shape Uncertainty Quantification for Scattering Transmission Problems
HG G 19.1
7 June 2016
Markus Sprecher
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philipp Grohs
Event Details
Numerical Methods for Optimization and Variational Problems with Manifold-Valued Data
HG G 26.1
23 June 2016
Elke Spindler
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair
Event Details
Second Kind Single-Trace Boundary Integral Formulations for Scattering at Composite Objects
HG G 19.1
24 June 2016
Corentin Perret-Gentil-dit-Maillard
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kowalski
Event Details
Probabilistic Aspects of Short Sums of Trace Functions over Finite Fields
HG G 19.2
24 June 2016
Benny Löffel
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kowalski
Event Details
Algebraic Twists of Modular Forms and Sums over Primes to Squarefree Moduli
HG G 19.2
28 June 2016
Claire Burrin
Examiner: Prof. Dr.Alessandra Iozzi
Event Details
Dedekind Symbols and some Applications of the Spectral Theory of Kloosterman Sums
HG G 19.1
30 June 2016
Edgar Alan Muro Jimenez
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Sara van de Geer
Event Details
Penalized Least Squares and Quadratic Forms
HG G 19.1
17 August 2016
Raisa Wachter
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Eugene Trubowitz
Event Details
Classes of Vacuum Yano-Killing Spacetimes
HG G 19.2
19 August 2016
Claude Eicher
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Felder
Event Details
Relaxed Highest Weight Modules from D-Modules on the Kashiwara Flag Scheme
HG G 19.1
23 August 2016
Zeljko Kereta
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Philipp Grohs
Event Details
Continuous Parabolic Molecules
HG G 19.2
25 August 2016
Franziska Borer
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Michael Struwe
Event Details
Weak Solutions for the Ricci Flow on Closed Surfaces and Prescribed Curvature Problems
HG G 19.2
6 September 2016
Preetam Nandy
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Marloes Maathuis
Event Details
Causal learning from high-dimensional observational data
HG D 22
7 September 2016
Andrea Baggio
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen
Event Details
Towards Optimal Approximations for Firefighting and Related Problems
HG G 19.1
14 September 2016
Cecilia Pagliantini
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair
Event Details
Computational Magnetohydrodynamics with Discrete Differential Forms
HG G 19.1
22 September 2016
Ruben Dezeure
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann
Event Details
Statistical Inference in High-Dimensional Models
HG G 19.1
29 September 2016
Jan Christoph Ernest
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann
Event Details
Causal Inference in Semiparametric and Nonparametric Structural Equation Models
HG G 19.2
24 October 2016
Laura Monika Buzdugan
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann
Event Details
Assessing Statistical Significance in Genome Wide Association Studies
HG G 19.1
19 December 2016
Raoul Bourquin
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair
Event Details
Numerical Algorithms for Semiclassical Wavepackets
HG G 19.1
20 December 2016
Benjamin Miesch
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Urs Lang
Event Details
Gluing Constructions and Local-to-Global Results for Hyperconvex Metric Spaces
HG F 26.1
21 December 2016
Raffael Casagrande
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair
Event Details
Discontinuous Finite Element Methods for Eddy Current Simulation
HG G 19.1

Past exams

Doctoral exam of Raphael Appenzeller

Doctoral exam of Syang Zhou

Doctoral exam of Felix Kuchelmeister

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