Doctoral examinations


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Archive 2023

Date / Time Speaker Title Location
17 January 2023
Soumil Gurjar

Event Details
Numerical Simulation of a Powder Snow Avalanche
HG G 19.1
20 February 2023
Dr. Meta Lina Spohn
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
On missing value imputation and treatment effect estimation on network data
HG D 22
21 February 2023
Florian Rossmannek
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Patrick Cheridito
Event Details
The curse of dimensionality and gradient-based training of neural networks: shrinking the gap be-tween theory and applications
HG D 16.2
1 March 2023
Corinne Emmenegger
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Peter Bühlmann
Event Details
Statistical Machine Learning for Complex Data
HG D 22
1 March 2023
Ilaria Viglino
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Kowalski
Event Details
Arithmetic statistics of families of Galois extensions and applications
HG D 16.2
8 March 2023
Philipp Zimmermann
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Event Details
Inverse problems for variable coefficient operations
HG G 19.2
20 April 2023
Federica Cecchetto
Examiner: Rico Zenklusen
Event Details
Improved Approximations for Connectivity Augmentation Problems
HG D 22
25 April 2023
Younghan Bae
Examiner: Rahul Pandharipande
Event Details
Intersection theory on the universal Picard stack
HG G 19.2
28 April 2023
Andrea Nützi
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Thomas Willwacher
Event Details
Maurer-Cartan perturbation theory and scattering amplitudes in general relativity
HG G 19.1
2 May 2023
Alessio Pellegrini
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Paul Biran
Event Details
Generalized Novikov Homology Theory and Growth Rates in Contact Dynamics
ML E 12
4 May 2023
Joost Aart Adriaan Opschoor
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Christoph Schwab
Event Details
Constructive deep neural network approximations of weighted analytic solutions to partial differen-tial equations in polygons
HG G 19.2
9 May 2023
Patricia Dietzsch
Examiner: Prof. Paul Biran
Event Details
Floer theory of real Dehn twists, Lagrangian Hofer metric and barcodes
HG D 22
10 May 2023
Riccardo Caniato
Examiner: Tristan Rivière
Event Details
Contributions to calibrated geometric analysis and analytical gauge theory in supercritical dimension
ML H 37.1
22 May 2023
Miguel Miranda Ribeiro Moreira
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Rahul Pandharipande
Event Details
The Virasoro constraints in moduli spaces of sheaves
HG G 19.1
24 May 2023
Nemanja Draganic
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Benny Sudakov
Event Details
Embedding problems in graphs and digraphs
HG F 26.3
5 June 2023
Laurin Köhler-Schindler
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Vincent Tassion
Event Details
Positive Association in Critical Percolation
ML F 38
5 June 2023
Paula Truöl
Examiner: Peter Feller
Event Details
On notions of braid positivity and knot concordance
HG D 16.2
16 June 2023
Luca De Rosa
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Marc Burger
Event Details
Currents in Teichmueller Theory and their Dual Spaces
HG D 22
23 June 2023
Alessandro Lägeler
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Özlem Imamoglu
Event Details
Cycle Integrals of Maass Cusp Forms arid of Holomorphic Functions with Rational Periods
LEE E 126
29 June 2023
Hanna Wutte
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Josef Teichmann
Event Details
A Take on Deep Learning in Finance: Uncertainty Quantification and Dynamic Decision Making
HG D 16.2
30 June 2023
Marco Petrella
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Sid Mishra
Event Details
Multi-scale computations of compressible two-phase flow problems
HG G 19.1
5 July 2023
Georg Anegg
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen
Event Details
Techniques for Designing Approximation Algorithms for Fair Clustering Problems
HG G 19.1
23 August 2023
Ivan Sergeev
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen
Event Details
Constant-Competitive Online Selection Algorithms with Almost no Prior Information
HG D 22
31 August 2023
Lorenzo Giacomel
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ralf Hiptmair
Event Details
Electron Cloud Buildup Simulations In 3D RF Structures
HG G 19.1
1 September 2023
Konstantin Rusch
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Mishra Siddhartha
Event Details
Physics-inspired Machine Learning
HG D 16.2
22 September 2023
Francesco Fournier-Facio
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Alessandra Iozzi
Event Details
Utrametric Problems in Rigidity Theory
HG G 19.2
10 October 2023
Xenia Flamm
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Marc Burger
Event Details
On the real spectrum compactification of Hitchin components
HG D 16.2
24 November 2023
Roberto Molinaro
Prof. Dr. S. Mishra , SAM , ETH Zurich
Event Details
Applications of Deep Learning to Scientific Computing
HG D 22
4 December 2023
Tommaso Goldhirsch
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Urs Lang
Event Details
Higher Rank Hyperbolicity and Currents in Metric Spaces
HG D 16.2
5 December 2023
David Pires Tavares Martins
Examiner: Prof. Martin Schweizer
Event Details
Aspects of quadratic utility: mean-variance hedging in rough volatility models, and CAPM-type equilibria
HG G 19.2

Past exams

Doctoral exam of Raphael Appenzeller

Doctoral exam of Syang Zhou

Doctoral exam of Felix Kuchelmeister

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