Rima Alaifari: inaugural lecture

On 25 September, Professor Rima Alaifari gave her inaugural lecture entitled: "Stable extraction of information from unstable systems". She has been assistant professor at the Department since October 2016.
Cecilia Pagliantini: GAMM Junior

The International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics has elected Cecilia Pagliantini as a GAMM Junior for the years 2018 to 2020.
Paul Embrechts: honorary member

We are delighted to announce that Professor Paul Embrecht has been appointed as an honorary member of the Swiss Association of Actuaries.
Welcome new students!

At this year's first-year student events the Departments of Mathematics and Physics welcomed their new students of the degree programmes Mathematics, Physics and Computational Science and Engineering (RW/CSE).
El matematico del riesgo

Paul Embrechts, experto en números y analista de matrices de la industria aseguradora, examina los desafíos de la industria con las nuevas tecnologías y con problemas como el ciberataque.